SURVEY OF SOFTWARE WITH MIXTURE EXPERIMENT CAPABILITIES 81 nell (1990,pp.250-256 and 270-274)).The next item indicates whether the software can produce respons Types of s(s Cornell (1990.pp 20920) can perform.The types of regression included in plots (see Piepel (192)).Component effects andre (par the c used and need no explanation. Ridge regression yields biased estimates of the mo mponents hxed.Ihe I paran last three itemsi with smal nodel parame estimates in cases where multicollinearity causes or for different responses on a single plot),andD dinary least squares to In particular,an points which might oth roduced for a simplex region or for a constrained subregion of the simplex. Montgomery and The Optimization group indicates the mathe matical optim capabi ties of ea softwar components and process variables,if any)and the atithat is.determining the levels of mix- ture components (and other r experimental variables any,such as or the The Regression Output and Diagnostics target,or maximm yalue of a single response vari group indicates the type of regre andd able. The second item addresses multiple respons ermining the the correct analysis of variance(ANOVA)table for a if any)that yield an optimum (minimum,target.or 76 naximum)value or some sort of compromise ame putes rsiduals (ordinary. the op s oI tw more standardized,single-point-deleted.etc.),collie ity digno (a)optimizing one response given constraints on the value of other responses,or (b)optimizing a d ger and Suich (1980) Box and Draper (1987,pp.373-375)).The desirabil be ty function approac converts a multipl dicate whether there are one or more exact or nearly optimization el terms for data hother the Miscellaneous Information highly influence the estimates of one or more of the able model coefficients. 3 summarize miscellaneous The Cor nd plots ovides four items of information package.The first item gives the for computing component effe s and producing var eac lous types of nd the co user interface responding standard errors (see Piepel (1982)or Cor Vol.29.No.1,January 1997 Joural of Quality Technology Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner.Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission