voting power,that this reduction would hinder the effective discharge of the functi ons of the Executive Board or of Executive Directors or would threaten to ups et a desirable balance in the Executive Board (c)If,at the second regular election of Executive Directors and thereafter,the members entitled to appoint Executive Directors under(b)(i)above do not include the two members,the holdings of whose currencies by the Fund in the General Resources Account have been,on the average over the preceding two yea ced helow w the tas by the la ge abs nts i terms of the special drawing right,either one or both of such members,as the case may be,may appoint an Executive Director. (d)Elections of elective executive directors shall be conducted at intervals of two years in accordance with the provisions of Schedule E.supplemented by uch reg ulations as the Fu ns appropna te.For eac election of may issue regula ons making changes in the proportion of votes required to elect Executive Directors under the provisions of Schedule E. (e)Each Executive Director shall appoint an Altemnate with full power to act for him when he is not present.When the Executive Directors ap pp ting them are ates may pa cip in me ings bu may not vote (f)Executive Directors shall continue in office until their successors are appointed or elected.If the office of an elected Executive Director becomes vacant more than ninety days before the end of his term,another Executive Director shall be elected for the remainder of the term by the members that elected the fo tor.A m jority of th cast shall be required for electi on.While the office remains vacant,the Altemate of the former Executive Director shall exercise his powers,except that of appointing an alternate (g)The Executive Board shall function in continuous session at the principal office of the Fund and shall meet as ofter n as the busin ess of the Fund may require (h)A quorum for any meeting of the Executive Board shall be a majority of the Executive Directors having not less than one-half of the total voting power. (i)Each appointed Executive Director shall be entitled to cast the number of votes allotte der in5of this Article to the member appoininghim. (ii)If the votes allotted to a member that appoints an Executive Director under (c)above were cast by an executive director together with the votes allotted to other members as a result of the last regular election of Executive Directors, the member may agree with each of the other members that the number of otes allotted to it s all be cast by the appointed Executive Director.A me he making such an agreement shal not participate in the election of Executive Directors. (iii)Each elected Executive Director shall be entitled to cast the number of votes which counted towards his election. 9 9 voting power, that this reduction would hinder the effective discharge of the functions of the Executive Board or of Executive Directors or would threaten to upset a desirable balance in the Executive Board. (c) If, at the second regular election of Executive Directors and thereafter, the members entitled to appoint Executive Directors under (b)(i) above do not include the two members, the holdings of whose currencies by the Fund in the General Resources Account have been, on the average over the preceding two years, reduced below their quotas by the largest absolute amounts in terms of the special drawing right, either one or both of such members, as the case may be, may appoint an Executive Director. (d) Elections of elective Executive Directors shall be conducted at intervals of two years in accordance with the provisions of Schedule E, supplemented by such regulations as the Fund deems appropriate. For each regular election of Executive Directors, the Board of Governors may issue regulations making changes in the proportion of votes required to elect Executive Directors under the provisions of Schedule E. (e) Each Executive Director shall appoint an Alternate with full power to act for him when he is not present. When the Executive Directors appointing them are present, Alternates may participate in meetings but may not vote. (f) Executive Directors shall continue in office until their successors are appointed or elected. If the office of an elected Executive Director becomes vacant more than ninety days before the end of his term, another Executive Director shall be elected for the remainder of the term by the members that elected the former Executive Director. A majority of the votes cast shall be required for election. While the office remains vacant, the Alternate of the former Executive Director shall exercise his powers, except that of appointing an Alternate. (g) The Executive Board shall function in continuous session at the principal office of the Fund and shall meet as often as the business of the Fund may require. (h) A quorum for any meeting of the Executive Board shall be a majority of the Executive Directors having not less than one-half of the total voting power. (i) (i)Each appointed Executive Director shall be entitled to cast the number of votes allotted under Section 5 of this Article to the member appointing him. (ii)If the votes allotted to a member that appoints an Executive Director under (c) above were cast by an Executive Director together with the votes allotted to other members as a result of the last regular election of Executive Directors, the member may agree with each of the other members that the number of votes allotted to it shall be cast by the appointed Executive Director. A member making such an agreement shall not participate in the election of Executive Directors. (iii)Each elected Executive Director shall be entitled to cast the number of votes which counted towards his election
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