P2P tutorial (ESEC 2001) 和 Mobile Agents A mobile agent is a computational entity that moves around in a network at its own volition to accomplish a task on behalf of its owner can cooperate with other agents -"learns"("Whom to visit next?") Mobility (heterogeneous network!) Weak:code,data Strong:code,data,execution Stack 2001 Karl Aberer,Manfred Hauswirth ESEC/FSE 2001 Mobile Agents vs.Peer-to-Peer Very similar in terms of search and navigation P2P:the peers propagate requests(search,update) MA:the nodes propagate the agents Mobile agent ~"active"query Mobile agent systems require a considerably more sophisticated environment mobile code support (heavy) security (protect the receiving node from malicious mobile agents and vice versa) In many domains P2P systems can take over more apt for distributed data management less requirements(sending code requires much bandwidth,security,etc.) 2001 Karl Aberer,Manfred Hauswirth ESEC/FSE 2001 18 (c)2001 Karl Aberer,Manfred Hauswirth 9P2P tutorial (ESEC 2001) (c) 2001 Karl Aberer, Manfred Hauswirth 9 © 2001 Karl Aberer, Manfred Hauswirth ESEC/FSE 2001 17 Mobile Agents • A mobile agent is a computational entity that moves around in a network at its own volition to accomplish a task on behalf of its owner – can cooperate with other agents – “learns” (“Whom to visit next?”) • Mobility (heterogeneous network!) – Weak: code, data – Strong: code, data, execution Stack © 2001 Karl Aberer, Manfred Hauswirth ESEC/FSE 2001 18 Mobile Agents vs. Peer-to-Peer • Very similar in terms of search and navigation – P2P: the peers propagate requests (search, update) – MA: the nodes propagate the agents – Mobile agent ~ “active” query • Mobile agent systems require a considerably more sophisticated environment – mobile code support (heavy) – security (protect the receiving node from malicious mobile agents and vice versa) • In many domains P2P systems can take over – more apt for distributed data management – less requirements (sending code requires much bandwidth, security, etc.)
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