Max Delbruck (1906-1981) 提出基因“量子力学模型”的物理学家 .Delbruck received a Ph.D.in physics(1930)from the University of Gottingen. Delbruck's interest in biology was first aroused by Bohr,in connection with his speculations that the complementarity argument of quantum mechanics might have wide applications to other fields of scientific endeavor and especially in regard to the relations between physics and biology During the years 1932-1937,a small group of theoretical physicists held informal private meetings,at first devoted to theoretical physics but soon turning to biology. 1935年。 PDF文件使用"pdfFactory Pro”试用版本创建ww,fineprint.com.c如Max Delbrück (1906-1981) 提出基因“量子力学模型” 的物理学家 w Delbrück received a Ph.D. in physics (1930) from the University of Göttingen. w Delbrück's interest in biology was first aroused by Bohr, in connection with his speculations that the complementarity argument of quantum mechanics might have wide applications to other fields of scientific endeavor and especially in regard to the relations between physics and biology w During the years 1932-1937, a small group of theoretical physicists held informal private meetings, at first devoted to theoretical physics but soon turning to biology. w 1935年。 PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建 www.fineprint.com.cn
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