truthful panoramic picture of the 18th century England.It has 5 touched upon all kinds of people and social problems,and shows the author's great sympathy for the poor and the oppressed,and his dislike for the wicked and deceitful persons and their bad and terrible actions. Tom is described as an upright,frank,kind-hearted young man. who may sometimes be very rash and commit rather serious errors, particularly in his relations with women,yet who is always ready to help others and never once tries to harm any one for hisown benefit. Blifil,on the other hand,pretends to be extremely moral and selfless. but actually he always thinks up tricks and practises them upon the other people,in order to get what he wants by lying and cheating.It is very clear that Fielding condemns Blifil as the embodiment of the social evils of his day and that he praises Tom who represents the 5 simple folk.Tom and Sophia are rebels of the society.Sophia represents the young women of the day with sufficient courage and independence to defy the bad world.From this novel we can see the novelist's strong hatred for all the hypocrisy and treachery in the 5 society of his age and his sympathy for the courageous young rebels in their righteous struggle. 2.4 Amelia《爱米莉娅》,1751. 5 3.0 Fielding's Important Position in English Literature truthful panoramic picture of the 18th century England. It has touched upon all kinds of people and social problems, and shows the author's great sympathy for the poor and the oppressed, and his dislike for the wicked and deceitful persons and their bad and terrible actions. Tom is described as an upright, frank, kind-hearted young man, who may sometimes be very rash and commit rather serious errors, particularly in his relations with women, yet who is always ready to help others and never once tries to harm any one for his own benefit. Blifil, on the other hand, pretends to be extremely moral and selfless, but actually he always thinks up tricks and practises them upon the other people, in order to get what he wants by lying and cheating. It is very clear that Fielding condemns Blifil as the embodiment of the social evils of his day and that he praises Tom who represents the simple folk. Tom and Sophia are rebels of the society. Sophia represents the young women of the day with sufficient courage and independence to defy the bad world. From this novel we can see the novelist's strong hatred for all the hypocrisy and treachery in the society of his age and his sympathy for the courageous young rebels in their righteous struggle. 2.4 Amelia 《爱米莉娅》,1751. 3.0 Fielding's Important Position in English Literature 5’ 5’ 5’ 5’ 5’ 5’
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