试卷代号:2147 中央广播电视大学2012一2013学年度第一学期“开放专科”期末考试 英语口语(2)【 口试题签 教师用卷(B) 2013年1月 Directions: In this test,the students will have an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to understand and use spoken English.The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Read a short passage aloud and answer questions. Part 2 Speak on a topic. Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the examiner as the conversation partner. Part 1 Section A Ask the student to read aloud the part between the stars (*) There are 3 members in the Watson family.They engage in different hobbies during their spare time. Mr Watson is a computer programmer in a big IT company.He doesn't have time for many hobbies,because his job keeps him very busy.When he does have free time,he likes going outdoors.He enjoys hiking and he is an active member of the local hiking club. Mrs Watson is a housewife.After she finishes her housework,she likes to have fun on her computer.She enjoys the wonder of the Internet almost every day.She likes surfing the web to read local news and find out about the latest fashion in the morning,watch videos or listen to music online in the afternoon and chat with her friends on QQ in the evening. Lisa Watson is a student at a high school.She is a bit of an artist.Her hobbies include making handicrafts,painting and going to movies with her friends.She doesn't like watching videos online at home.Unless she has to do schoolwork online,she never logs onto the Internet at home. The Watsons have a variety of interests. Section B Ask the student the following questions. 1.What is Mr Watson's job? 676试卷代号 中央广播电视大学 2 0 3学年度第一学期"开放专科"期末考试 英语口语 )口试题签 教师用卷 2013 年1 Directions: In this test, the students will have an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to understand and 配spoken English. The test is divided into three parts. Part 1 Read a short passage aloud and answer questions. Part 2 Speak on a topic. Part 3 Complete a role-play task with the examiner as the conversation partner. Part 1 配tion A Ask the st~dent to read aloud the part between the stars (赞). There are 3 members in the Watson family. They engage in different hobbies during their spare time. Watson is a computer programmer in a big IT company. He doesn't have time for many hobbies, beaause his job keeps him very busy. When he does have free time , he likes going outdoors. He enjoys hiking and he is an active member of the local hiking club. Mrs Watson is a housewife. After she finishes her housework , she likes to have fun on her computer. She enjoys the wonder of the Internet almost every day. She likes surfing the web to read local news and find out about the latest fashion in the morning , watch videos or listen to music online in the afternoon and chat with her friends on QQ in the evening. Lisa Watson is a student at a high school. She is a bit of an artist. Her hobbies include making handicrafts, painting and going to movies with her friends. She doesn' t like watching videos online at home. Unless she has to do schoolwork online , she never logs onto the Internet at home. The Watsons have a variety of interests. Section B Ask the student the following qu四tions. 1. What is Mr Watson's job? 676
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