1. WAand demand law Changing in price will change wealth too But how can we tell the demand changing by price changing from wealth changing? Given a changing from(p, w)to(p, w,), and people will not get worse that is w≥p·x(p,w) here wealth changing(compensation) △P=△px(p,) was called" Slutsky wealth compensation and Ap=p'-p Slutsky compensated price changing1.WA and demand law • Changing in price will change wealth too. But how can we tell the demand changing by price changing from wealth changing? • Given a changing from ,and people will not get worse that is here wealth changing (compensation ) was called “Slutsky wealth compensation” and “(Slutsky) compensated price changing”. ( , ) to ( , ) p p w w w w p x p( , ) = w w p x p( , ) = − p p p