pawopo Initiated by IKE 中国 总结 DQ1.6:of parents agreeing'My children regularly eat meals sitting in front of the TV 100 80 %agreeing 60 45 51 30 29 38 33 slightly 40 211528 1723232222934 2120243224 26 20 12 0 Australia Austria Czech Rep China Finland Spain 0oee Nethe Switze DQ1.6:有多少百分比的家长同意“我的孩子习惯坐在电视机前吃饭。” CEQ3.3:%of children 7-12 years agreeing'My mum and/or dad stop me from doing lots of things because they think they are dangerous' 100 80 % 51 53 % 60 4竹 45 49 37 agreeing 333430 24313030 31 31 3438 40 1716 20 11 ustr Australi Belgium Can → Gem a Neth Portugal Switze CEQ3.3:有多少百分比7-12岁的孩子同意“我的母亲和(或)父亲阻止我做很多事情,因为他们认为那很危险。 CCQ1.1:of children 7-12 years agreeing'I would prefer to play than learn 100 80 6668 69 71 70 62 57 60 48 4 40 46 39 4644 38 agreeing 40 33 23 26 20 Australia Austria Belgium Canada o Czech Rep hina Hungary lands Net No Poland a Portuga Switzer CCQ1.1:有多少百分比7-12岁的孩子同意“比起学习,我更喜欢玩. 10 资料来源-Family Kids and Youth,/Research Now2009年10月-11月 中国地区研究报告2009年12月10 中国 总结 DQ1.6: % of parents agreeing 'My children regularly eat meals sitting in front of the TV' 30 21 15 23 45 29 17 23 23 22 27 29 34 51 12 21 23 24 32 24 38 18 9 33 26 0 20 40 60 80 100 Australia Austria Belgium Canada China Czech Rep Denmark Finland France Germany Hungary Ireland Italy Japan Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Russia Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland UK USA % agreeing strongly/ slightly CEQ3.3: % of children 7-12 years agreeing 'My mum and / or dad stop me from doing lots of things because they think they are dangerous' 33 34 30 37 66 41 24 31 30 30 45 31 47 31 17 16 51 41 53 49 43 11 25 34 38 0 20 40 60 80 100 Australia Austria Belgium Canada China Czech Rep Denmark Finland France Germany Hungary Ireland Italy Japan Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Russia Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland UK USA % agreeing DQ1.6:有多少百分比的家长同意“我的孩子习惯坐在电视机前吃饭。” CEQ3.3:有多少百分比 7-12 岁的孩子同意“我的母亲和(或)父亲阻止我做很多事情,因为他们认为那很危险。” CCQ1.1: % of children 7-12 years agreeing 'I would prefer to play than learn' 48 66 68 43 69 83 33 43 40 63 71 46 23 39 64 38 65 36 62 70 44 26 57 46 44 0 20 40 60 80 100 Australia Austria Belgium Canada China Czech Rep Denmark Finland France Germany Hungary Ireland Italy Japan Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Russia Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland UK USA % agreeing CCQ1.1:有多少百分比 7-12 岁的孩子同意“比起学习,我更喜欢玩。” 资料来源– Family Kids and Youth/Research Now 2009 年 10 月-11 月 中国地区研究报告 2009 年 12 月
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