Larvae of leaf-mining flies in Diptera burrow into leaves,move about between upper and lower leaf epidermises and feed on leaf mesophyll,causing leaves to display many grey-white curling tunnels and beadlike patches due to the separation of the upper and lower leaf epidermises. 双翅目蝇类中以幼虫潜食植物叶片危害的一类害虫。它们以幼虫在 寄主叶片的上、下表皮之间穿行取食寄主绿色的叶肉组织,致使被害叶 片上呈现出灰白色弯曲的线状蛀道或上、下表皮分离的泡状斑块。 Larvae of leaf Larvae of leaf-mining flies in mining flies in Diptera Diptera burrow into leaves, move about between burrow into leaves, move about between upper and lower leaf epidermises and feed on upper and lower leaf epidermises and feed on leaf mesophyll mesophyll, causing leaves to display , causing leaves to display many grey many grey-white curling tunnels and white curling tunnels and beadlike patches due to the separation of the beadlike patches due to the separation of the upper and lower leaf epidermises. upper and lower leaf epidermises. 双翅目蝇类中以幼虫潜食植物叶片危害的一类害虫。它们以幼虫在 寄主叶片的上、下表皮之间穿行取食寄主绿色的叶肉组织,致使被害叶 片上呈现出灰白色弯曲的线状蛀道或上、下表皮分离的泡状斑块
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