Translation Practice 合译(1):把两个或两个以上的英语简单句译成一个汉语单句(或复句) Practice 3 Translate the sentences into Chinese, using the translation skill you have just learned 1. It was Sunday. I got up very late 2. That was long ago. A very long time ago. Almost 30 years ago 3. He would miss many things and many people. He would miss Mary 4. There are men here from all over the country. Many of them are from the North 5. And as she thought it became more involved Harder to understand Practice 4 Translate the sentences into Chinese 1. Well over a year later, the international medical community was still keeping tabs on her condition through the electronic medium that saved her life 2. These stories reflect society's increasing reliance on a sy stem of global communication that can link you equally easily with someone in the next town or halfway around the world 3. The United States has enjoyed domestic telephone service for more than a century, but overseas telephone calls were difficult until relatively recently 4. China has a deep pool of talented scientists and engineers, and we think there is a great opportunity to assemble a world-class team here to do some outstanding research 5. It promotes the exchange and cooperation between Chinese and foreign high technology research institutes, and bring into full play the talents of China's high technology research community Practice 5 Translate the sentences into English 1.我感到遗憾的是小王在我第二次去医院见他以前就去世了 2.那妇女冒着生命危险从大火中抢救出她的孩子。 3.即使我再次当选,回访也不太可能 4.无论下届总统是谁,我们两国间的友谊仍然存在 5.这项计划一定会成功,我们一定会胜利 Guided writing Definition Practice 6 In the sentences the definitions have been mixed up. Match the definitions in column B with column a 1. A dentist a can usually be defined as the ability to do work 2. A shop b. is a force which attracts bodies towards the center of 3. Gravity c refers to a figure which has three sides 4. A biology d. is a person who takes care of people's teeth 5. A triangle e is a person who studies living organismsTranslation Practice Translation Skill 合译(1): 把两个或两个以上的英语简单句译成一个汉语单句(或复句) Practice 3 Translate the sentences into Chinese, using the translation skill you have just learned. 1. It was Sunday. I got up very late. 2. That was long ago. A very long time ago. Almost 30 years ago. 3. He would miss many things and many people. He would miss Mary. 4. There are men here from all over the country. Many of them are from the North. 5. And as she thought, it became more involved. Harder to understand. Practice 4 Translate the sentences into Chinese. 1. Well over a year later, the international medical community was still keeping tabs on her condition through the electronic medium that saved her life. 2. These stories reflect society’s increasing reliance on a system of global communication that can link you equally easily with someone in the next town or halfway around the world. 3. The United States has enjoyed domestic telephone service for more than a century, but overseas telephone calls were difficult until relatively recently. 4. China has a deep pool of talented scientists and engineers, and we think there is a great opportunity to assemble a world-class team here to do some outstanding research. 5. It promotes the exchange and cooperation between Chinese and foreign high technology research institutes, and bring into full play the talents of China’s high technology research community. Practice 5 Translate the sentences into English. 1. 我感到遗憾的是小王在我第二次去医院见他以前就去世了。 2. 那妇女冒着生命危险从大火中抢救出她的孩子。 3. 即使我再次当选,回访也不太可能。 4. 无论下届总统是谁,我们两国间的友谊仍然存在。 5. 这项计划一定会成功,我们一定会胜利。 Guided Writing Definition Practice 6 In the sentences the definitions have been mixed up. Match the definitions in column B with column A. A B 1. A dentist a. can usually be defined as the ability to do work. 2. A shop b. is a force which attracts bodies towards the center of the earth. 3. Gravity c. refers to a figure which has three sides. 4. A biology d. is a person who takes care of people’s teeth. 5. A triangle e. is a person who studies living organisms
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