mina tead all ons,whicl ADVANTAGES Figure 4.3 ood Force World Hu dstoleamingbcneftsfor8oup Programme (WFP)to help chidren learn about thef cial_Studi Source: WorldHunger-Food Force Reprinted by perm eamine requirements n groupscan be devel used with ng a Lod all content areas. ogy Integration:Westwar LIMITATIONS .Size limitation.Groups need to be kept small (three to GAMES same ability level does not enhance- es often require learners to use INTEGRATION If your classroom hasa single uter it is nossible to establish coperative groups to allow all students a can accommodate coo ative o sharing nature for the rest of the cas.Thus.ac oup becomes an expe Students take tums playing a computer game. alerie Schultz/Merll on a portion of the total content.Preparing presentation Achieving 21st Century Leamning Environments 94
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