Chapter 24 Braking system TONGII UNIVERSTTY Types of Braking System According to the function of >Decelerating or Stopping the moving vehicle the system >Parking the vehicle >Driving braking system >Parking braking system >Decelerating or Stopping the moving vehicle >Second braking system when the driving braking system goes wrong >Auxiliary braking system >Keeping a steady velocity while downhill According to the braking >Driver's human resource as input energy energy >Completely relys on the power of the engine >Human braking system transformed into the air or hydraulic braking system >Dynamic braking system >Servo braking system >Both driver's human resource and engine's powerChapter 24 Braking system Types of Braking System According to the function of the system Driving braking system Parking braking system Second braking system Auxiliary braking system According to the braking energy Human braking system Dynamic braking system Servo braking system Decelerating or Stopping the moving vehicle Parking the vehicle Decelerating or Stopping the moving vehicle when the driving braking system goes wrong Keeping a steady velocity while downhill Driver’s human resource as input energy Completely relys on the power of the engine transformed into the air or hydraulic braking system Both driver’s human resource and engine’s power