Some French would died along every mile 5 In March 1814, Paris was captured Napoleon failed to conquer Europe, and Paris fell In March 1814 6 On June 22, 1941, without a declaration of war, Hitler began an invasion of the Soviet Union that was the largest military land campaign in history (On June 22, 1941, Hitler invaded Soviet Union secretly. And the war is the largest land war in history. 7 The German victories were over, thanks in part to the Russian winter (In part because of the cold winter in Russia, German was defeated. 8 During 1943 and 1944, the Soviet armies pushed the German front back toward the west The Soviet armies forced the german to retreat from the east. 9 Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures took their toll on both invading (Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures weakened the two armies power) 5 Writing Strategy of Text A Subtitle---help reader understanding clearly Comparison and contrast vividly Based on the sequence of time 6 Summary of Text A In 1812, Napoleon led his army into Russia. He got Moscow easily for the Russia retreat. However, in winter he couldn,'t supply his army in Russia and had to retreat Soon he failed after he came back to paris and was sent into exile In 1941, Hitler began an invasion of the soviet union, soviet leader Stalin bumed farms and factories In winter the german soldiers froze in their summe uniforms Hitler's victories were over soon Napoleon and hitler both underestimated the severity of the russian winter and suffered heavy losses 7 Text organization Section One(1---2 )Both Napoleon and Hitler were not prepared for the devastating enemy that met them in Moscow-the raw, bitter, bleak Russian winter Section TWo(3-11)Why did the quick, decisive victory that Napoleon expected never happened? Section Three(12-20) For Hitler, the invasion of the Soviet Union had tumed into a military disaster Section Four (21) For the Russian people, the winter was an icy defenderSome French would died along every mile ) 5 In March 1814, Paris was captured ( Napoleon failed to conquer Europe, and Paris fell In March 1814 ) 6 On June 22, 1941, without a declaration of war, Hitler began an invasion of the Soviet Union that was the largest military land campaign in history. (On June 22, 1941, Hitler invaded Soviet Union secretly. And the war is the largest land war in history.) 7 The German victories were over, thanks in part to the Russian winter. (In part because of the cold winter in Russia, German was defeated.) 8 During 1943 and 1944,the Soviet armies pushed the German front back toward the west. (The Soviet armies forced the German to retreat from the east.) 9 Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures took their toll on both invading armies (Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures weakened the two armies' power ) 5 Writing Strategy of Text A Subtitle---help reader understanding clearly Comparison and contrast vividly Based on the sequence of time 6 Summary of Text A In 1812 ,Napoleon led his army into Russia. He got Moscow easily for the Russia’ retreat. However, in winter ,he couldn’t supply his army in Russia and had to retreat. Soon, he failed after he came back to Paris and was sent into exile. In 1941, Hitler began an invasion of the soviet union, soviet leader Stalin burned farms and factories. In winter the German soldiers froze in their summer uniforms. Hitler’s victories were over soon Napoleon and Hitler both underestimated the severity of the Russian winter and suffered heavy losses 7 Text organization Section One (1---2) Both Napoleon and Hitler were not prepared for the devastating enemy that met them in Moscow---the raw, bitter, bleak Russian winter Section Two (3---11) Why did the quick , decisive victory that Napoleon expected never happened? Section Three (12—20) For Hitler, the invasion of the Soviet Union had turned into a military disaster Section Four (21) For the Russian people, the winter was an icy defender
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