Contributions of our work Inspired by many observations in applications and a comprehensive experimental study of the OMBM problem, our contributions are Motivations Contributions 1 Is Greedy really the worst? Greedy has good performance Is the worst-case analysis 2 appropriate for the OMB Worst-case VS. Average-case analysIs problem in practice? Are implementations and 3 experimental evaluations Uniform implementations and evaluations are provided uniform? Open question: the average-case approximation ratio (aka competitive ratio) of the simple greedy algorithm for the OMBM problem should be constant⚫ Inspired by many observations in applications and a comprehensive experimental study of the OMBM problem, our contributions are Contributions of Our Work 11 Motivations Contributions 1 Is Greedy really the worst?Greedy has good performance. 2 Is the worst-case analysis appropriate for the OMBM problem in practice? Worst-case vs. Average-case analysis. 3 Are implementations and experimental evaluations uniform? Uniform implementations and evaluations are provided. Open question: the average-case approximation ratio (a.k.a competitive ratio) of the simple greedy algorithm for the OMBM problem should be constant!