Overview of catastrophes in 2010 Selection criteria 2010 More than 300 catastrophic events occurred in 2010 in USDm Insured claims: Maritime disasters 17.4 Of the 304 catastrophic events that occurred in 2010. 167 were natural catastrophes Aviation 34.8whiletheremaining137eventswereman-madedisasters(seeFigure1).comPared Other losses or Total economic losses. to 2009, the number of natural catastrophes increased. In fact, 2010 set a new record es: Dead or missi for the number of natural catastrophes since sigma began collecting catastrophe data Homeless Roo o Also for the first time, the number of natural catastrophes exceeded the number or man-made disasters. Since 2005. the number of man-made disasters has continued decline An event is included in the sigma statistics if insured claims, total economic losses or the number of casualties exceed a certain limit (refer to the Selection criteria 2010 in the margin). Each year, the claims threshold is adjusted for inflation Thresholds wi espect to casualties -ie the number of people killed, missing, severely injured,or homeless - also make it possible to tabulate events in regions where insurance pene Number of events 1970-2010 1975 8019851990199520002005 Man-made-disasters Natural catastrophes Source: Swiss Re Economic Research& Consulting Swiss Re, sigma No 1/20112 Swiss Re, sigma No 1/2011 Overview of catastrophes in 2010 More than 300 catastrophic events occurred in 2010 Of the 304 catastrophic events that occurred in 2010, 167 were natural catastrophes, while the remaining 137 events were man-made disasters (see Figure 1). Compared to 2009, the number of natural catastrophes increased. In fact, 2010 set a new record for the number of natural catastrophes since sigma began collecting catastrophe data. Also for the first time, the number of natural catastrophes exceeded the number of man-made disasters. Since 2005, the number of man-made disasters has continued to decline. An event is included in the sigma statistics if insured claims, total economic losses or the number of casualties exceed a certain limit (refer to the Selection criteria 2010 in the margin). Each year, the claims threshold is adjusted for inflation. Thresholds with respect to casualties – ie the number of people killed, missing, severely injured, or homeless – also make it possible to tabulate events in regions where insurance penetration is low. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Man-made-disasters Natural catastrophes Source: Swiss Re Economic Research & Consulting Selection criteria 2010 in USDm Insured claims: Maritime disasters 17.4 Aviation 34.8 Other losses 43.3 or Total economic losses: 86.5 or Casualties: Dead or missing 20 Injured 50 Homeless 2 000 Figure 1 Number of events 1970–2010