工程科学学报,第40卷,第6期:760-765,2018年6月 Chinese Journal of Engineering,Vol.40,No.6:760-765,June 2018 DOI:10.13374/j.issn2095-9389.2018.06.015:http://journals.ustb.edu.cn 基于心率监测的建筑工人生理疲劳分析 徐明伟”,金龙哲四,张驎,于露”,刘建国”,田兴华” 1)北京科技大学土木与资源工程学院,北京1000832)国家安监总局培训中心,北京100010 ☒通信作者,E-mail:in@usth.cdu.cn 摘要人体在进入疲劳状态时生理参数会发生相应的变化.为了探讨砌砖工人在持续体力劳动作业时心率和心率变异 (HRV)对人体生理疲劳的影响,针对疲劳与心率的关系提出评价生理疲劳的数学模型.选取15名健康受试者(男性)在搭建 的86cm平台模拟砌砖工人作业.持续作业30n进行一次心率变异数据的收集.同时,使用心率传感器对心率进行实时监 测.本文采用方差分析、检验和非线性拟合的方法对疲劳对心率和心率变异的影响进行分析.结果表明,生理疲劳使心率波 动程度有显著变化(检验水准α=0.05水平,概率P<0.05),随着生理疲劳程度的加重,人体心率需要更长的时间才能恢复至 正常值.受试者HRV并无显著性差异(a=0.05,P>0.05).非线性拟合结果(R=0.8892)显示,生理疲劳的发展趋势呈现出 “S型”的趋势.据此提出,生理疲劳分为3个阶段:疲劳调整期、疲劳稳定期和疲劳失稳期.在疲劳失稳期前(试验中约为90 min)受试者休总,可以减缓或延迟生理疲劳的发生. 关键词建筑工人:生理疲劳:心率变异:相对心率:疲劳监测 分类号TG142.71 Research on the fatigue of construction workers by heart rate monitoring XU Ming-wei,JIN Long-zhe,ZHANG Lin),YU Lu,LIU Jian-guo,TIAN Xing-hua) 1)School of Civil and Resource Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China 2)State Administration of Work Safety Training Center,Beijing 100010,China Corresponding author,E-mail:Izjin@ustb.edu.cn ABSTRACT The safety situation in the construction industry across the world has been complicated for a long time,and the high in- cidence of accidents poses great challenges to this situation.Research on occupational safety and health indicates that people are prone to misconduct or unsafe behavior when they are tired.A large number of accident analyses show that fatigue is one of the most important reasons for accidents.When the human body enters into a fatigue state,the physiological parameters change accordingly.The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV)on physiological fatigue in a sustained bricklaying task.A mathematical model was proposed for evaluating physiological fatigue.Five male healthy participants were selected to imitate construction by engaging in bricklaying on an 86 cm platform.HRV data were collected every 30 min during the sustained task,and heart rate was measured every minute.Analysis of variance,one-sample t-test,and nonlinear curve fitting were adopted in this study. Physiological fatigue shows a significant change with heart rate fluctuation (significant level a=0.05,P<0.05).With an increase in physiological fatigue,the heart rate needs a longer time to decrease to the normal level.No significant difference is observed in HRV between the subjects (a=0.05,P>0.05).The trend of the physiological fatigue curve follows a cubic function.The nonlinear curve fitting results (R2=0.8892)show that the development trend of physiological fatigue shows an "S"trend,which can be divided into the following three stages:fatigue adjustment period,fatigue stability period,and fatigue instability period.Proper rest in the fatigue failure period (In this experiment,it was about 90 min.can slow or delay physiological fatigue. KEY WORDS construction worker:physiological fatigue:heart rate variability:relative heart rate:fatigue monitoring 收稿日期:2017-11-27 基金项目:国家重点研发计划课题资助项目(2016YFC0801706)工程科学学报,第 40 卷,第 6 期: 760--765,2018 年 6 月 Chinese Journal of Engineering,Vol. 40,No. 6: 760--765,June 2018 DOI: 10. 13374 /j. issn2095--9389. 2018. 06. 015; http: / /journals. ustb. edu. cn 基于心率监测的建筑工人生理疲劳分析 徐明伟1) ,金龙哲1) ,张 驎2) ,于 露1) ,刘建国1) ,田兴华1) 1) 北京科技大学土木与资源工程学院,北京 100083 2) 国家安监总局培训中心,北京 100010  通信作者,E-mail: lzjin@ ustb. edu. cn 摘 要 人体在进入疲劳状态时生理参数会发生相应的变化. 为了探讨砌砖工人在持续体力劳动作业时心率和心率变异 ( HRV) 对人体生理疲劳的影响,针对疲劳与心率的关系提出评价生理疲劳的数学模型. 选取 15 名健康受试者( 男性) 在搭建 的 86 cm 平台模拟砌砖工人作业. 持续作业 30 min 进行一次心率变异数据的收集. 同时,使用心率传感器对心率进行实时监 测. 本文采用方差分析、t 检验和非线性拟合的方法对疲劳对心率和心率变异的影响进行分析. 结果表明,生理疲劳使心率波 动程度有显著变化( 检验水准 α = 0. 05 水平,概率 P < 0. 05) ,随着生理疲劳程度的加重,人体心率需要更长的时间才能恢复至 正常值. 受试者 HRV 并无显著性差异( α = 0. 05,P > 0. 05) . 非线性拟合结果( R2 = 0. 8892) 显示,生理疲劳的发展趋势呈现出 “S 型”的趋势. 据此提出,生理疲劳分为 3 个阶段: 疲劳调整期、疲劳稳定期和疲劳失稳期. 在疲劳失稳期前( 试验中约为 90 min) 受试者休息,可以减缓或延迟生理疲劳的发生. 关键词 建筑工人; 生理疲劳; 心率变异; 相对心率; 疲劳监测 分类号 TG142. 71 收稿日期: 2017--11--27 基金项目: 国家重点研发计划课题资助项目( 2016YFC0801706) Research on the fatigue of construction workers by heart rate monitoring XU Ming-wei1) ,JIN Long-zhe1)  ,ZHANG Lin2) ,YU Lu1) ,LIU Jian-guo1) ,TIAN Xing-hua1) 1) School of Civil and Resource Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China 2) State Administration of Work Safety Training Center,Beijing 100010,China Corresponding author,E-mail: lzjin@ ustb. edu. cn ABSTRACT The safety situation in the construction industry across the world has been complicated for a long time,and the high in￾cidence of accidents poses great challenges to this situation. Research on occupational safety and health indicates that people are prone to misconduct or unsafe behavior when they are tired. A large number of accident analyses show that fatigue is one of the most important reasons for accidents. When the human body enters into a fatigue state,the physiological parameters change accordingly. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of heart rate and heart rate variability ( HRV) on physiological fatigue in a sustained bricklaying task. A mathematical model was proposed for evaluating physiological fatigue. Five male healthy participants were selected to imitate construction by engaging in bricklaying on an 86 cm platform. HRV data were collected every 30 min during the sustained task,and heart rate was measured every minute. Analysis of variance,one-sample t-test,and nonlinear curve fitting were adopted in this study. Physiological fatigue shows a significant change with heart rate fluctuation ( significant level α = 0. 05,P < 0. 05) . With an increase in physiological fatigue,the heart rate needs a longer time to decrease to the normal level. No significant difference is observed in HRV between the subjects ( α = 0. 05,P > 0. 05) . The trend of the physiological fatigue curve follows a cubic function. The nonlinear curve fitting results ( R2 = 0. 8892) show that the development trend of physiological fatigue shows an“S”trend,which can be divided into the following three stages: fatigue adjustment period,fatigue stability period,and fatigue instability period. Proper rest in the fatigue failure period ( In this experiment,it was about 90 min. ) can slow or delay physiological fatigue. KEY WORDS construction worker; physiological fatigue; heart rate variability; relative heart rate; fatigue monitoring
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