A motor neuron cell body in the spinal cord. (A) Many thousands of nerve terminals synapse on the cell body and dendrites. These deliver signals from other parts of the organism to control the firing of action potentials along the single axon of this large cell. (B)Micrograph showing a nerve cell body and its dendrites stained with a fluorescent antibody that recognizes a cytoskeletal protein green) Thousands of axon terminals(red) from other nerve cells (not visible) make synapses on the cell body and dendrites they are stained with a fluorescent antibody that recognizes a protein in synaptic vesiclesA motor neuron cell body in the spinal cord. (A) Many thousands of nerve terminals synapse on the cell body and dendrites. These deliver signals from other parts of the organism to control the firing of action potentials along the single axon of this large cell. (B) Micrograph showing a nerve cell body and its dendrites stained with a fluorescent antibody that recognizes a cytoskeletal protein (green). Thousands of axon terminals (red) from other nerve cells (not visible) make synapses on the cell body and dendrites; they are stained with a fluorescent antibody that recognizes a protein in synaptic vesicles
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