同濟大学 Opportunities for Startup:The consumer market TONGJI UNIVERSITY Consumption Consumption Surge ll Consumption Surge Ill Surge I Born 1950-1057 1962-1975 1980-1991 Consumption 1984-1989 1992-1997 2007-2020 Peak low income, low comsumption consumption low propensity,high saving high comsumption propensity propensity expenditure rate durable consumer high-end consumer goods:branded Popular basic need, goods:TV,fridge, dress,cosmetics,jewellery,auto, bike,watch, Consumption washing machine,air PC,telecommunication and radio... conditioner... electronics Social short supply roughly balanced 70%of the commodities oversupply Enrironment Engel urban >54% urban <35%rural <45% Coefficient rural >56% urban >50%rural >58% Living annual disposable per capita GDP income 4300 Yuan in Condition 1000 Yuan per capita GDP approaching $5000 1994 Consumption Surge I Consumption Surge II Consumption Surge III Born 1950-1057 1962-1975 1980-1991 Consumption Peak 1984-1989 1992-1997 2007-2020 consumption propensity low income, low expenditure low comsumption propensity, high saving rate high comsumption propensity Popular Consumption basic need, bike, watch, radio... durable consumer goods: TV, fridge, washing machine, air conditioner... high-end consumer goods: branded dress, cosmetics, jewellery, auto, PC, telecommunication and electronics Social Enrironment short supply roughly balanced 70% of the commodities oversupply Engel Coefficient urban >54% rural >56% urban >50% rural >58% urban <35% rural <45% Living Condition per capita GDP 1000 Yuan annual disposable income 4300 Yuan in 1994 per capita GDP approaching $5000 Opportunities for Startup: The consumer market