新世纪高职高专英语(修订版)综合教程电子教案 NEW CENTURY ENGLISH INTEGRATED COURSE UNIT 6 Entertainment Addiction to Tv There are hundreds of millions of television sets in the united States. There is one television for less than every two persons More than 50 percent of children between the ages of 6 and 17 have their own tv sets in their bedrooms. Cable and satellite tv bring hundreds of stations into American homes. Many of the American TV channels are specialized - the weather channel home shopping, Cnn(news), ESPN(sports), MTV(music), HBO (movie), to name just a few. dNN F HBO M = back next Language Drills for Lead In Text Study Consolidation Application PRETCO TestAddiction to TV There are hundreds of millions of television sets in the United States. There is one television for less than every two persons. More than 50 percent of children between the ages of 6 and 17 have their own TV sets in their bedrooms. Cable and satellite TV bring hundreds of stations into American homes. Many of the American TV channels are specialized — the weather channel, home shopping, CNN (news), ESPN (sports), MTV (music), HBO (movie), to name just a few
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