Values of some important functions as n->00 og 272 3.31013.3101021 3.6.10 1026.61026.6-1021041061.310309.31015 10 01031.0.104106109 04131041.31056108102 171051.71061010 1015 106201062010710121018 Table 2.1 Values(some appraximate)of several functions important for analysis of algorithms Copyright 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved A Levitin "Intoducion to the Design Analysis of Algorithms, 2nd ed, Ch 2Copyright © 2007 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved. A. Levitin “Introduction to the Design & Analysis of Algorithms,” 2 nd ed., Ch. 2 2-9 Values of some important functions as n → 
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