Monsoon dynamics: Upper-level temperature(K) Low-level entropy (K) Precipitation (mm d-1).wind (m s-) 30 Thermal heatin 3414344141434409万 0药044440话000500 20 10 Standard Orography 20 2 40 30 20 No Orography 10 ¥4441441434134.44编9源 10m -20 40 Surface elevations north 30 441641443414444凉 源10444第第话0011 25 of Himalayas set to zero 30 20 10 10 (from Boos et al,2010,nature) -20 100 236 310 50 150 50 100 150 50 100 150 Longitude (degrees) Longitude (degrees) Longitude (degrees)授课教师:张洋 15 Monsoon dynamics: - GCM results on Orography n Thermal heating vs. Mechanical forcing Standard Orography No Orography Surface elevations north of Himalayas set to zero (from Boos et al, 2010, nature)
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