算法正确性证明: ·自动验证: some sort of super-algorithm that ace inputs a description of a 当我们完成了某个算法 hm A that is proposed a solves P. 的正确性证明,我们 "人工证明之 test的,debug的是什 Can we ob 么? Je correct?Is there any way in wror formal, mathematical techniques to realize this objective?算法正确性证明: ◼ 自动验证: ❑ some sort of super-algorithm that would accept as inputs a description of an algorithmic problem P and an algorithm A that is proposed as a solution, and would determine if indeed A solves P. ◼ 人工证明: ❑ Can we ourselves prove our algorithms to be correct? Is there any way in which we can use formal, mathematical techniques to realize this objective? 当我们完成了某个算法 的正确性证明,我们 test的,debug的是什 么?
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