go to bed. Listen to some relaxing music instead! It will send you to sleep in no time at al All the tips above 60(be) for a good nights sleep. Your body s going to thank you very much for it 六、书面表达(本题有1小题;共计20分) 在昨天的班会( class meeting)中,以下5名同学讲述了自己在寒假期间所参加的志愿者 活动。Mike因病没有参加班会,请根据提示,写一篇英语作文,向Mke转述大家在寒假期 间做的这些有意义的事 去医院帮助照顾病人( patient) Jack 去幼儿园( kindergarten)和孩子们做游戏 到公园植树,清扫垃圾 Linda 到动物中心( Animal Center)照顾小动物 给贫困学生送书、衣物 要求:1.文章要包含表格中所含信息点:2.70词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数) In yesterdays class meeting, many students talked about their holiday life. Five of the students did some volunteer work8 go to bed. Listen to some relaxing music instead! It will send you to sleep in no time at all. All the tips above 60 (be) for a good night’s sleep. Your body’s going to thank you very much for it. 六、书面表达(本题有 1 小题;共计 20 分) 在昨天的班会(class meeting)中,以下 5 名同学讲述了自己在寒假期间所参加的志愿者 活动。Mike 因病没有参加班会,请根据提示,写一篇英语作文,向 Mike 转述大家在寒假期 间做的这些有意义的事。 Lucy 去医院帮助照顾病人(patient) Jack 去幼儿园(kindergarten)和孩子们做游戏 Victor 到公园植树,清扫垃圾 Linda 到动物中心(Animal Center)照顾小动物 Nancy 给贫困学生送书、衣物 要求:1. 文章要包含表格中所含信息点;2. 70 词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 In yesterday’s class meeting, many students talked about their holiday life. Five of the students did some volunteer work
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