making. Newton began his work ono witha thin ray of light which he studies carefully.He made this light pass through a prism,a glass instrument which breaks up light rays.Many people wrongly believe that Newton was the first man to discover that when white light passes through a prism it produces the colors of the rainbow.If we stop and think about it,we realize that this couldn't be true.since prisms had been used by scientists for many vears.What Newton really found was that a thin ray round in shape,threw a narrow ribbon of separate colors on his wall after it passed through the prism Newton couldn't explain what happened,and he proceeded to experiment further.By placing another prism in the path of the ray of colored lights,he was able to change it back to a ray of white light. From these and many other experiments,Newton learned that white light is made up of lights and that the mount that light is bent in passing througha color.Red light is bent the least,orange bends a little more.This is followed by yellow and so on to violet,which is bent the most. 31.Newton began his work on color because A.he disagreed with Hooke's theory w wha at wa sing the fault in his lens ciety employed him to make a refracting telescope D.he wanted to know how to get a strong ring of colors 32.The writer says."If we stop and think about it,we would realize..."This means that A.no one before had ever made light pass through a prism B.it was incredible that a prism br aks up white colors of the rainbow c the effect oflight passing through aprism was known before Newton's experimen D.the colors of the rainbow are not produced by light passing through a prism 33.The difference between any two colored lights passing through a prism is A.made by placing a second prism in the path of the ray of colored lights B.broughtabout by different passingrate of each light through the p c. duced by the ariation the he prism D.caused by the difference in the amount that the light has been sent 34.From the information given,we can work out that blue light is bent A.a little more sharply than green B.as sharply as violet only next to orange not so sh arply as yellov 35.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? A.A Great Discovery B.Newton and His Experiments C.Functions of Prism D.Wha White Light Composes Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage: Let children learn to judge their own work.A child learning to talk doesn't learn by being corrected all the time:if corrected too much,he will stop talking.He notices a thousand timesamaking. Newton began his work on color with a thin ray of light which he studies carefully.He made this light pass through a prism,a glass instrument which breaks up light rays.Many people wrongly believe that Newton was the first man to discover that when white light passes through a prism it produces the colors of the rainbow.If we stop and think about it,we realize that this couldn't be true,since prisms had been used by scientists for many years.What Newton really found was that a thin ray,round in shape,threw a narrow ribbon of separate colors on his wall after it passed through the prism. Newton couldn't explain what happened, and he proceeded to experiment further.By placing another prism in the path of the ray of colored lights,he was able to change it back to a ray of white light. From these and many other experiments, Newton learned that white light is made up of colored lights,and that the amount that light is bent in passing through a prism varies for each color.Red light is bent the least,orange bends a little more.This is followed by yellow and so on to violet,which is bent the most. 31.Newton began his work on color because_____ . A.he disagreed with Hooke's theory B.he needed to know what was causing the fault in his lenses C.the Royal Society employed him to make a refracting telescope D.he wanted to know how to get a strong ring of colors 32.The writer says,“If we stop and think about it,we would realize...”This means that_____ . A.no one before had ever made light pass through a prism B.it was incredible that a prism breaks up white light into colors of the rainbow C.the effect of light passing through a prism was known before Newton's experiment D.the colors of the rainbow are not produced by light passing through a prism 33.The difference between any two colored lights passing through a prism is_____ . A.made by placing a second prism in the path of the ray of colored lights B.brought about by different passing rate of each light through the prism C.produced by the variation of the amount of a light passing through the prism D.caused by the difference in the amount that the light has been sent 34.From the information given,we can work out that blue light is bent_____ . A.a little more sharply than green B.as sharply as violet C.sharply only next to orange D.not so sharply as yellow 35.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage? A.A Great Discovery B.Newton and His Experiments C.Functions of Prism D.What White Light Composes Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage: Let children learn to judge their own work. A child learning to talk doesn't learn by being corrected all the time:if corrected too much,he will stop talking.He notices a thousand times a
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