Clinical Applications This icon signals the start of a clinical application in the text.Additional,briefer clinical correlations appear in the text as appropriate. Osteogenesis imperfecta(p.45) Diseases resulting from defects in E3 proteins(p.676) Protein-misfolding diseases(p.55) Diseases of altered ubiquitination(p.678) Protein modification and scurvy(p.55) Using proteasome inhibitors to treat tuberculosis(p.679) Antigen detection with ELISA(p.88) Inherited defects of the urea cycle(hyperammonemia)(p.688) Synthetic peptides as drugs(p.96) Alcaptonuria,maple syrup urine disease,and Gene therapy(p.167) phenylketonuria(p.697) Functional magnetic resonance imaging(p.197) High homocysteine levels and vascular disease(p.719) Carbon monoxide poisoning(p.213) Inherited disorders of porphyrin metabolism(p.730) Sickle-cell anemia(p.209) Anticancer drugs that block the synthesis of thymidylate(p.749) Thalessemia(p.210) Adenosine deaminase and severe combined Aldehyde dehydrogenase deficiency(p.232) immunodeficiency(p.752) Action of penicillin (p.244) Gout(p.753) Protease inhibitors(p.264) Lesch-Nyhan syndrome(p.754) Carbonic anhydrase and osteoporosis(p.266) Folic acid and spina bifida(p.755) Isozymes as a sign of tissue damage(p.297) Second messengers derived from sphingolipids and Emphysema(p.306) diabetes(p.765) Vitamin K(p.310) Respiratory distress syndrome and Tay-Sachs Hemophilia(p.311) disease(p.765) Tissue-type plasminogen activator(p.312) Diagnostic use of blood-cholesterol levels(p.774) Monitoring changes in glycosylated hemoglobin(p.325) Hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis(p.776) Erythropoietin(p.330) Mutations in the LDL receptor(p.777) Hurler disease(p.331) The role of HDL in protecting against Blood groups(p.335) arteriosclerosis(p.778) I-cell disease(p.336) Clinical management of cholesterol levels(p.779) Influenza virus binding(p.339) Aromatase inhibitors in the treatment of breast Clinical applications of liposomes(p.354) and ovarian cancer(p.785) Aspirin and ibuprofen(p.358) Rickets and vitamin D(p.786) Digitalis and congenital heart failure(p.377) Antibiotics that target DNA gyrase(p.831) Multidrug resistance(p.378) Blocking telomerase to treat cancer(p.837) Long QT syndrome(p.392) Huntington disease(p.842) Signal-transduction pathways and cancer(p.420) Defective repair of DNA and cancer(p.842) Monoclonal antibodies as anticancer drugs(p.421) Detection of carcinogens(Ames test)(p.843) Protein kinase inhibitors as anticancer drugs(p.421) Antibiotic inhibitors of transcription(p.861) Vitamins(p.441) Burkitt lymphoma and B-cell leukemia(p.869) Lactose intolerance(p.471) Diseases of defective RNA splicing(p.877) Galactosemia(p.472) Vanishing white matter disease(p.908) Exercise and cancer(p.478) Antibiotics that inhibit protein synthesis(p.909) Phosphatase deficiency (p.514) Diphtheria(p.910) Defects in the citric acid cycle and the development Ricin,a lethal protein-synthesis inhibitor(p.911) of cancer(p.515) Induced pluripotent stem cells(p.944) Beriberi and mercury poisoning(p.517) Anabolic steroids (p.948) Mitochondrial diseases(p.558) Color blindness(p.970) Hemolytic anemia(p.609) The use of capsaicin in pain management(p.974) Glucose 6-phosphate deficiency(p.611) Immune-system suppressants(p.990) Glycogen-storage diseases(p.634) MHC and transplantation rejection(p.998) Carnitine deficiency(p.646) AIDS vaccine(p.999) Zellweger syndrome(p.652) Autoimmune diseases(p.1001) Diabetic ketosis(p.655) Immune system and cancer(p.1001) The use of fatty acid synthase inhibitors as Vaccines(p.1002) drugs(p.663) Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease(p.1016) Effects of aspirin on signaling pathways(p.665) Taxol (p.1019) xix i Osteogenesis imperfecta (p. 45) Protein-misfolding diseases (p. 55) Protein modification and scurvy (p. 55) Antigen detection with ELISA (p. 88) Synthetic peptides as drugs (p. 96) Gene therapy (p. 167) Functional magnetic resonance imaging (p. 197) Carbon monoxide poisoning (p. 213) Sickle-cell anemia (p. 209) Thalessemia (p. 210) Aldehyde dehydrogenase deficiency (p. 232) Action of penicillin (p. 244) Protease inhibitors (p. 264) Carbonic anhydrase and osteoporosis (p. 266) Isozymes as a sign of tissue damage (p. 297) Emphysema (p. 306) Vitamin K (p. 310) Hemophilia (p. 311) Tissue-type plasminogen activator (p. 312) Monitoring changes in glycosylated hemoglobin (p. 325) Erythropoietin (p. 330) Hurler disease (p. 331) Blood groups (p. 335) I-cell disease (p. 336) Influenza virus binding (p. 339) Clinical applications of liposomes (p. 354) Aspirin and ibuprofen (p. 358) Digitalis and congenital heart failure (p. 377) Multidrug resistance (p. 378) Long QT syndrome (p. 392) Signal-transduction pathways and cancer (p. 420) Monoclonal antibodies as anticancer drugs (p. 421) Protein kinase inhibitors as anticancer drugs (p. 421) Vitamins (p. 441) Lactose intolerance (p. 471) Galactosemia (p. 472) Exercise and cancer (p. 478) Phosphatase deficiency (p. 514) Defects in the citric acid cycle and the development of cancer (p. 515) Beriberi and mercury poisoning (p. 517) Mitochondrial diseases (p. 558) Hemolytic anemia (p. 609) Glucose 6-phosphate deficiency (p. 611) Glycogen-storage diseases (p. 634) Carnitine deficiency (p. 646) Zellweger syndrome (p. 652) Diabetic ketosis (p. 655) The use of fatty acid synthase inhibitors as drugs (p. 663) Effects of aspirin on signaling pathways (p. 665) Diseases resulting from defects in E3 proteins (p. 676) Diseases of altered ubiquitination (p. 678) Using proteasome inhibitors to treat tuberculosis (p. 679) Inherited defects of the urea cycle (hyperammonemia) (p. 688) Alcaptonuria, maple syrup urine disease, and phenylketonuria (p. 697) High homocysteine levels and vascular disease (p. 719) Inherited disorders of porphyrin metabolism (p. 730) Anticancer drugs that block the synthesis of thymidylate (p. 749) Adenosine deaminase and severe combined immunodeficiency (p. 752) Gout (p. 753) Lesch–Nyhan syndrome (p. 754) Folic acid and spina bifida (p. 755) Second messengers derived from sphingolipids and diabetes (p. 765) Respiratory distress syndrome and Tay–Sachs disease (p. 765) Diagnostic use of blood-cholesterol levels (p. 774) Hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis (p. 776) Mutations in the LDL receptor (p. 777) The role of HDL in protecting against arteriosclerosis (p. 778) Clinical management of cholesterol levels (p. 779) Aromatase inhibitors in the treatment of breast and ovarian cancer (p. 785) Rickets and vitamin D (p. 786) Antibiotics that target DNA gyrase (p. 831) Blocking telomerase to treat cancer (p. 837) Huntington disease (p. 842) Defective repair of DNA and cancer (p. 842) Detection of carcinogens (Ames test) (p. 843) Antibiotic inhibitors of transcription (p. 861) Burkitt lymphoma and B-cell leukemia (p. 869) Diseases of defective RNA splicing (p. 877) Vanishing white matter disease (p. 908) Antibiotics that inhibit protein synthesis (p. 909) Diphtheria (p. 910) Ricin, a lethal protein-synthesis inhibitor (p. 911) Induced pluripotent stem cells (p. 944) Anabolic steroids (p. 948) Color blindness (p. 970) The use of capsaicin in pain management (p. 974) Immune-system suppressants (p. 990) MHC and transplantation rejection (p. 998) AIDS vaccine (p. 999) Autoimmune diseases (p. 1001) Immune system and cancer (p. 1001) Vaccines (p. 1002) Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (p. 1016) Taxol (p. 1019) This icon signals the start of a clinical application in the text. Additional, briefer clinical correlations appear in the text as appropriate. Clinical Applications
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