2018/3/27 How precision prediction Prognosis of treatment response might work Purine is a anti-tumor drug The answer: When given the standard dose of purine drugs, patients with (1)helping to predict a person's susceptibility to adverse lifestyle exposures. monitor sideeffect TPMT gene test (2)facilitating the stratification of susceptibility that help to guide timing and intensity of screening programs and avoid overscreening (3)aiding the prognosis that help to establish appropriate dinical treatment decision and cancer management strategy standard dose Outline The widespread use of Next generation sequencing(NGS) technology 90205年 3.8HlHioa dollan d on and pre The ethic of genetic testing 围江 ANFORD Broast cancer diagnoois Medical school to offer UC Berkeley Modin en DNA Testing Projec a.9■ Variant under2018/3/27 9 Prognosis of treatment response Lower dose; monitor side-effect TPMT gene test standard dose Purine is a anti-tumor drug When given the standard dose of purine drugs, patients with TPMT deficiency suffered from severe toxicity. How precision prediction might work? The answer: (1) helping to predict a person’s susceptibility to adverse lifestyle exposures. (2) facilitating the stratification of susceptibility that help to guide timing and intensity of screening programs and avoid overscreening. (3) aiding the prognosis that help to establish appropriate clinical treatment decision and cancer management strategy. Outline Heredity and Gene Precision medicine Precision prediction and prevention The ethic of genetic testing 1990年-2005年 Human Genome Project 13 years 3.8 billion dollars 2008年 The first individual genome sequencing was finished using the NGS 2 month about 1 million dollars Now Develped NGS 1day 1 thousands dollars The widespread use of Next generation sequencing (NGS) technology 53