Well-Being and Altruism .9 Dunn,Norton,2011)with broad benefits for altruists, their beneficiaries,and society at large Transfusion Medicine Revieus,25,317-334.doi:10.1016/ Author Contributions 011.04.00 p(2011).A1it Boulwvare.L Ratner,LE Troll.M.U.Chaudron,A.Yeung of the manuscript for submission. and risk taking nal o Acknowledgments 2005.00s96o d -61 of this Cantril.H.(5).The buman.New n C Chapu M2013)Am discipline nent.We thank Rebecca nings.Bi ology Pbilosopby,28, m de w m back into altruism Declaration of Conflicting Interests Diener.E.(2012).New findingsand future directions for sub American Psycbologist,67. Diener.E.Ryan.K.(2009).Subjective well-being:A general Funding This work was supported in part by a Templeton Positive Diener,E..Tay. .Oishi,S.(2013).Rising income and the Note 1.We excluded Utah (an outlier in altruistic donations)and reran ty that va les unique 16 doi:1012 Eisenberg.N.(1983).The relation be n empathy and altru cam 02 dymamis in ith wuderte ssues.Academi Gabriel,.A.Mattey,J.P.&Wascher,W.L(2005).Compensatin References dot:10.1016/S016-04620200007- ed from hup:/ Aknin.L.B.Dunn.E.W..Norton.M.I.(2011).Hap com//s-Sa erative donation.re and allocation of liv .A.I..Landolt,M.A..McDonald,M.F Barrable e17018.Retrieved from htp://www.plo .13719 Bats E1600-61 M5.00019 012 or e of f well-bx of General Psycbology Pbilo 16.0 11.2014 Well-Being and Altruism 9 Dunn, & Norton, 2011) with broad benefits for altruists, their beneficiaries, and society at large. Author Contributions A. A. Marsh developed the study concept. Both authors contrib￾uted to the study design. K. M. Brethel-Haurwitz acquired and analyzed the data under the supervision of A. A. Marsh. K. M. Brethel-Haurwitz drafted the manuscript, and A. A. Marsh pro￾vided critical revisions. Both authors approved the final version of the manuscript for submission. Acknowledgments The content of this article is the responsibility of the authors alone and does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does men￾tion of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. government. We thank Rebecca Ryan for statistical guidance and helpful comments on earlier versions of the manuscript. Declaration of Conflicting Interests The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest with respect to their authorship or the publication of this article. Funding This work was supported in part by a Templeton Positive Neuroscience Award to A. A. Marsh and by Health Resources and Services Administration Contract 2342005370011C. Note 1. We excluded Utah (an outlier in altruistic donations) and reran this regression to examine the possibility that variables unique to Utah, such as increased social capital resulting from shared religious affiliations, drove the well-being/altruism relationship. With Utah excluded, well-being became a stronger predictor of altruism, β = 0.79, t(39) = 3.40, p = .002, which suggests that although unusual dynamics in Utah may underlie the state’s unusually high rate of altruistic donation, any such dynamics do not explain the nationwide well-being/altruism relationship. References Aknin, L. B., Dunn, E. W., & Norton, M. I. (2011). Happiness runs in a circular motion: Evidence for a positive feedback loop between prosocial spending and happiness. Journal of Happiness Studies, 13, 347–355. doi:10.1007/s10902-011- 9267-5 Aknin, L. B., Sandstrom, G. M., Dunn, E. W., & Norton, M. I. (2011). 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