8 "THESE FROM THE LAND OF SINIM" of maniacs,mount trees and walls and wield swords and spears in a way they are unable to at other times.Semi-initiation is said to render the body impervious to cut or thrust,while the fully-initiated fear neither shot nor shell;the various sub-chiefs are,of course,fully initiated, but the supreme chief is described as more gifted still-he sits in his hall,orders the doors to be opened,and while remaining there in the body,is said to be elsewhere in spirit, direoting,controlling,suggesting,and achieving. One of the best shots in a Legation guard relates how he fired seven shots at one of the chiefs on the Northern Bridge,less than two hundred yards off:the chief stood there con- temptuously,pompously waving his swords as if thereby oausing the bullets to pass him to right or left at will:he then calmly and proudly stalked away unhit,much to the astonishment of the sharpshooter Though professing to know nothing beyond the domain of sense, the Chinaman is really an extravagant be- liever in the supernatural,and so he readily credits the Boxer with all the powers he claims.Times and seasons,too,have their meanings for him:in 1898 the eolipse of the sun on the Chinese New Year's Day foreboded calamity-espeoially to the Emperor-and in September that year the Empress Dowager usurped the Government;then,as chance.. -. • , r ~ ~~ " 8 "THESE FROM THE LAND OFSINIM" of maniacs, mount trees and walls and wield swords and spears in a way they are unable to at other times. Semi-initiation is said to render the body impervious to cut or thrust, while the fully-initiated fear neither shot nor shell; the various sub-chiefs are, of course, fully initiated, but the supreme chief is described as more gifted still-he sits in his hall, orders the doors to be opened, and while remaining there in the body, is said to be elsewhere in spirit, directing, controlling, suggesting, and achieving. One of the best shots in a Legation guard relates how he :fired seven shots at one of the chiefs on the N orthem lJridge, less than two hundred yards oft': the chief stood there con￾temptuously, pompously waving his swords as if thereby causing the bullets to pass him to right or left at will: he then calmly and proudly stalked away unhit, much to the astonishment of the sharpshooter I Though professing to know nothing beyond the domain of sense, the Chinaman is really an extravagant be￾liever in the supematural, and so he readily credits the Boxer with all the powers he claims. Times and seasons, too, have their meanings for him: in 1898 the eclipse of the sun on the Chinese New Year's Day foreboded calamity-especially to the Emperor-and in September that year the Empress Dowager usurped the Government i then, as chance .... . ....... _-.... - ........... --' .. ., .... -... . (
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