·行业综述 北方园艺201015:3336 9引巨晓裳,李生秀土城氯素矿化的温度水分效应】.植物营养与肥 abdled nitrogen by plants J.Plant and Sod,1973,3%113 123 料学报9984小742 i 10 Fed C A.Ntroge d and indis ur unider frd and lab 残体在菜地士填中 反映十瑰供氯能 1☒王成王制英李世清.作物生长期间士境可矿化氯的变化规律研究 [3刘徐阳卷沈其荣.有机肥和化肥长距合施用对士境及不同粒级供 [.新疆农业科学.20m3.40:038. 氯特性的影响.土填学报24.4(1):879见 1到腹晓艳氛湘成,陈恩风不同肥力棕城和黑士给粒级微团聚体氯素 3 Waring S人Brenner J M.a 比有机物料中有机刻 34都孝侯十壤有效氨测定方法的研究进展几.国外农业环境保扩 Bi 199830:5764 991(3):1720 李信,胡锋刘满强红壤氨素的矿化和硝化作用特征月,土 王明,尖立,黄东亚淹水士境中轩氯素的转化(江苏农业 190.1830 学报.20m1.14:23620. 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It discussesed various methods of the soil nitrogen mineralization, and compared the involved methods and indexes, in order to provide evidence when choose the suitable study method of soil nitrogen supply capacity. At the end of the article, the author put forward the prospect of research on soil nitrogen mineralization. Key words:soil; nitrogen; mineralization;reaserch progress 36
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