Example Fault Tree for ATC Arrival Traffic A pair of controlled aircraft violate minimum separation standards Violation of minimum Violation of distance or time Violation of minimum separation in-trail separation while separation between streams between arrival traffic and on final approach to of aircraft landing on different departure traffic from nearb same runwa feeder airports OR Two aircraft on final Two aircraft landing An aircraft violates the An aircraft fails approach to parallel consecutively on different non-transgression zone to make tum runways not spatially runways in intersecting or while airport is conducting from base to staggered converging operations violate independent ILS approaches final approach min imum difference in to parallel runways threshold crossing time Example Fault Tree for ATC Arrival Traffic(2) Controller instructions do not cause aircraft to make necessary speed change OR Controller do Controller issues Controller issues Controller issues Controller issues not issue speed appropriate speed appropriate speed speed advisory speed advisory advisory but pilot ory and pile that does not too late to avoid does not receive it. receives it but does avoid separation separation not follow it violation Human Controller issi communication communication speed advise failure failure OR OR Radio failure Radio on wrong Psychological slip Wrong label abel in fre associated with misleading aircraft planview display screenc ✙✝✟✚✎✝✟✄☎✛✟✔✓✜✧✢✥❫❴✢ ￾✂✁☎✄☎✆✝✟✞✡✠☞☛✟✌☎☛✟✏✑✓✒✕✔✟☛✟✖✁✎✄☎✗✄ Example Fault Tree for ATC Arrival Traffic ❪ ✸ ✸ ❖❁✶✰✵ ✺✣✭ ✬✼✭❀✳❁✷✂✺❂✭❀✹✥✹✻✴❉✱✶✰✵ ✺❂✬❄✺❂✶ ✷✴❯❄✵✭✰✹✶✴✷☎✻ ✯✱✵ ✳✴✵✥✯✽✲✴✯❭❃✼✻✰❖❁✶❀✺❂✶✴✷✾✵✭✰✳❋❃✮✷❙✶❀✳❁❉✴✶❀✺✎❉✧❃ ❅❈❆ t ✸ t ✸ t ✸ ✵✭✰✹✶✧✷✂✵✭✰✳❋✭ ✯✱✵ ✳✴✵✥✯✽✲✴✯ ✵✭✰✹✶✧✷✂✵✭✰✳❋✭ ❉✰✵❃✼✷☎✶✰✳❁✬✮✻❚✭❀✺✣✷✾✵ ✯❋✻ ✵✭❀✹✶✴✷✾✵✭✰✳❋✭ ✯✱✵✥✳✧✵✥✯✱✲✧✯✈❃✮✻✰❖❁✶❀✺✎✶✧✷✂✵✭✰✳ ✸☎✸ ✵ ✳❁♠❄✷✂✺❂✶✰✵ ✹◆❃✼✻❀❖❁✶✰✺❂✶✧✷✂✵✭✰✳❋❊●▲✴✵ ✹✻ ❃✮✻✰❖❁✶❀✺✎✶✧✷✂✵✭✰✳✱◗❘✻✴✷❙❊✐✻✧✻✰✳❋❃✼✷✾✺❂✻✴✶✰✯❋❃ ◗❁✻✧✷❙❊✐✻✧✻✰✳❋✶✰✺❬✺❬✵❯✮✶✰✹◆✷✾✺❂✶ ✵✬❩✶✰✳❁❉ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸❙✸ ✸☎✸ ✸ ✭❀✳ ✵ ✳❁✶✰✹✉✶✰❖✴❖✧✺❂✭✴✶✴✬❄▲❋✷☎✭ ✭ ✶✰✵ ✺❂✬❄✺❂✶ ✷✰✹✶✰✳❁❉❀✵✥✳❘❍❚✭❀✳❋❉✰✵ ✻✰✺❂✻✰✳❘✷ ❉✴✻❀❖❁✶✰✺❂✷✾✲✴✺❂✻✱✷✾✺❂✶ ✵✬ ✺❂✭✰✯✇✳❘✻✴✶✰✺❬◗❁❏ ❃✮✶✰✯❋✻❳✺❬✲✴✳❁❊✐✶✧❏ ✸ ✺❬✲✧✳❁❊✐✶✴❏✼❃ ✻✴✻✴❉✧✻✰✺❡✶✰✵✥✺❬❖❘✭✰✺❂✷❙❃▼❛ ❅❈❆ ❥❊✐✭✱✶✰✵ ✸ ✸ ❥ ✸ ❪ ✸ ❪ ✸ ✸ ✺❂✬❄✺❂✶ ✷✴✭❀✳ ✵ ✳❁✶✰✹ ❊❦✭✱✶❀✵✥✺❂✬❄✺❂✶ ✷❀✹✶✰✳❘❉✰✵ ✳❁❍ ✳❋✶❀✵✥✺❂✬❄✺❂✶ ✷✧❯❄✵✭❀✹✶✧✷❙✻✧❃❧✷✾▲❁✻ ✳❋✶❀✵✥✺❂✬❄✺❂✶ ✷ ✶❀✵✥✹❃ ✶✰❖✴❖✧✺❂✭✴✶✴✬▼▲❤✷☎✭❳❖❁✶❀✺❂✶✰✹✥✹✻✰✹ ✬✼✭❀✳❁❃✼✻✧✬❄✲❁✷✾✵❯✮✻✰✹❏❩✭❀✳❋❉✰✵ ✸☎✸✻✰✺❂✻✰✳❘✷ ✳❁✭✰✳❘♠♥✷✾✺❂✶✰✳❁❃✮❍✰✺❂✻✴❃✼❃❄✵✭✰✳❋♦✮✭✰✳❁✻ ✷☎✭s✯❲✶✰❨◆✻✱✷✾✲✴✺❬✳ ✸ ✺❬✲✴✳❁❊✐✶✴❏✮❃❈✳❁✭✴✷✧❃❄❖❁✶✴✷✾✵✶✰✹ ✹❏ ✺❬✲✴✳❘❊❦✶✧❏✼❃❈✵✥✳✱✵ ✳❁✷☎✻✰✺❂❃✼✻✧✬✼✷✾✵✥✳❁❍✱✭❀✺ ❊●▲✴✵ ✹✻✱✶✰✵ ✺❬❖❁✭✰✺❂✷❀✵❃❩✬✼✭❀✳❁❉✰✲❘✬✼✷✂✵ ✳❁❍ ✺✎✭❀✯①◗❘✶✴❃✼✻✱✷☎✭ ❃✼✷☎✶✴❍✴❍✧✻✰✺❂✻✴❉✰❛ ✬✼✭❀✳❁❯✼✻❀✺✎❍❀✵✥✳❘❍✱✭✰❖❁✻✰✺❂✶✧✷✂✵✭✰✳❘❃❧❯▼✵✭❀✹✶✴✷☎✻ ✸ ✵✥✳❘❉✴✻✰❖❘✻✰✳❁❉✧✻✰✳❁✷❀♣❙P❘qr✶✰❖✴❖✧✺❂✭✴✶✴✬❄▲❘✻✴❃ ✵✥✳❁✶❀✹◆✶✰❖✧❖✴✺❂✭✴✶✴✬▼▲✴❛ ✸❙✸ ✯✱✵ ✳✴✵ ✯✱✲✴✯❭❉✰✵ ✻✰✺❂✻❀✳❁✬✼✻❳✵ ✳ ✷☎✭s❖❘✶✰✺❂✶✰✹ ✹✻❀✹✼✺❬✲✴✳❁❊✐✶✧❏✼❃❄❛ ✷✾▲✴✺❂✻✴❃❄▲❘✭✰✹❉✱✬❄✺❂✭✴❃✼❃▼✵✥✳❁❍✱✷✾✵ ✯❋✻✰❛ ✝✟✚✎✝✟✄☎✛✟✔✓✜✧✢✥❫✟❵ ￾✂✁☎✄☎✆✝✟✞✡✠☞☛✟✌☎☛✟✏✑✓✒✕✔✟☛✟✖✁✎✄☎✗✄ Example Fault Tree for ATC Arrival Traffic (2) ✿✭❀✳❁✷✾✺❂✭✰✹✥✹✻✰✺✡✵✥✳❘❃✼✷✾✺❬✲❁✬✼✷✾✵✭❀✳❁❃❩❉✴✭❳✳❁✭✧✷✴✬✼✶❀✲❁❃✼✻ ✶✰✵✥✺❂✬▼✺✎✶✸ ✷✧✷❙✭❳✯❋✶❀❨◆✻❳✳❁✻✧✬✼✻✴❃✼❃✮✶✰✺❂❏❩❃❄❖❁✻✧✻✴❉✱✬❄▲❁✶❀✳❁❍✴✻ ❅❈❆ ✿✭✰✳❘✷✂✺❂✭❀✹✥✹✻✰✺❡❉✴✭✴✻✧❃ ✿✭✰✳❘✷✂✺❂✭❀✹✥✹✻✰✺✡✵❃✼❃▼✲❁✻✴❃ ✿✭✰✳❘✷✂✺❂✭✰✹ ✹✻✰✺❢✵❃✼❃❄✲❘✻✴❃ ✿✭❀✳❁✷✾✺❂✭✰✹✥✹✻✰✺✡✵❃✮❃❄✲❁✻✧❃ ✿✭❀✳❁✷✾✺❂✭✰✹✥✹✻✰✺✡✵❃✮❃❄✲❁✻✧❃ ✳❘✭✴✷✰✵❃✼❃❄✲❘✻✱❃❄❖❁✻✴✻✧❉ ✶❀❖✴❖✴✺❂✭✰❖✧✺❬✵✶✧✷❙✻✱❃❄❖❘✻✴✻✴❉ ✶✰❖✧❖✴✺❂✭✰❖✧✺❣✵✶✴✷☎✻✱❃❄❖❁✻✧✻✴❉ ❃❄❖❁✻✴✻✧❉✱✶✴❉✴❯▼✵❃✼✭❀✺❂❏ ❃❄❖❁✻✴✻✧❉✱✶✴❉✴❯▼✵❃✼✭❀✺❂❏ ✶✧❉✴❯❄✵❃✼✭✰✺❂❏ ✶✧❉✴❯❄✵❃✼✭✰✺❂❏❈◗✴✲❘✷✰❖✴✵ ✹✭✧✷ ✶✴❉✧❯❄✵❃✼✭✰✺❂❏❩✶✰✳❁❉❳❖✧✵✥✹✭✴✷ ✷✂▲❘✶✴✷✴❉✧✭✴✻✴❃❈✳❁✭✧✷ ✷❙✭✧✭❳✹✶✴✷☎✻✱✷☎✭✱✶✴❯✼✭❀✵❉ ❉✧✭✴✻✴❃❈✳❁✭✧✷✰✺❂✻✴✬✮✻✰✵❯✮✻❳✵ ✷✾❛ ✺❂✻✴✬✮✻✰✵❯✮✻✴❃❈✵ ✷❀◗✴✲❁✷✧❉✴✭✴✻✧❃ ✶✴❯✼✭✰✵❉✱❃✼✻❀❖❁✶✰✺❂✶✴✷✾✵✭✰✳ ❃✼✻✰❖❁✶❀✺❂✶✴✷✾✵✭✰✳ ✸ ✳❁✭✧✷ ✭✰✹ ✹✭✴❊❜✵ ✷✂❛ ❯❄✵✭❀✹✶✧✷✂✵✭✰✳ ❯❄✵✭❀✹✶✧✷✂✵✭✰✳✴❛ ❅❈❆ ❑ ▲❁❏✼❃▼✵✬✮✶✰✹ ❱ ✲✴✯❲✶✰✳ ✿✭❀✳❁✷✾✺❂✭✰✹✥✹✻✰✺✡✵❃✮❃❄✲❁✻✧❃ ✬✮✭✰✯✱✯✱✲✴✳✧✵✬✮✶✴✷✂✵✭✰✳ ✬✼✭✰✯✱✯✽✲✴✳✴✵✬✼✶✴✷✾✵✭✰✳ ❃▼❖❁✻✴✻✧❉❚✶✧❉✴❯❄✵❃✼✭✰✺❂❏ ✸✶✰✵ ✸ ✸ ✹✥✲✧✺✎✻ ✶✰✵ ✹✥✲✧✺✎✻ ✷❙✭✱❊●✺❂✭✰✳❘❍❚✶❀✵✥✺❂✬❄✺❂✶ ✷ ❅❇❆ ❅❈❆ ❆✶✧❉✰✵✭ ✸✶❀✵✥✹ ✲✴✺❂✻ ❆✶✴❉✰✵✭✱✭✰✳❋❊●✺❂✭✰✳❁❍ ❑❃✼❏✼✬▼▲❁✭✰✹✭✴❍✰✵✬✼✶❀✹◆❃❄✹ ✵✥❖ ❝✺❂✭✰✳❘❍❳✹✶❀◗❁✻✰✹ P❁✶✰◗❘✻✰✹✼✵ ✳ c ✙ ✸ ✺✎✻✧■✰✲❁✻❀✳❁✬✼❏ ✶✴❃✼❃✮✭✴✬❄✵✶✴✷☎✻✴❉✱❊●✵ ✷✾▲ ✯✱✵❃▼✹✻✴✶✧❉✰✵ ✳❁❍ ✶✰✵ ✸ ✺❂✬❄✺❂✶ ✷✴✭✰✳ ❖✴✹✶✧✬✼✻✱✭✰✳ ❖✴✹✶✰✳❁❯▼✵✻✴❊❞❉✰✵❃❄❖✴✹✶✴❏ ❃✼✬❄✺❂✻✴✻❀✳
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