Cooperate feature: if a vendor runs out-of-stock for certain goods, he recom- mends to the shopper another vendor who has the goods in stock. (Vendor, Friend)-Shopper context Influence to convince feature: the vendor aims at influencing the friend of the shopper regarding the goods and the selling conditions he is offering. The objective of the vendor is to influence the shopper's friend to provide a posi- tive recommendation to the shopper about the goods of the vendor. This may aid the shopper in making her purchase decision Help to convince feature: the shopper asks her friend to talk on her behalf to the vendor regarding the goods she would like to purchase with certain con- Despite the different technologies used for the development of e-and m-commerce he social context has to be part of these needed and reflects the interactions occurring between consumers, providers, and some- times third parties. Working on a workstation or using a mobile device is definitely effi cient. However, various aspects that are difficult to assess are missing from the Persona ig, trust, Interactions rou measure a customer's trust in a provider she has never met? And, how do you ensure hat a customer is satisfied with her order? Online questionnaires and forms can be used, but will they be able to accurately reflect the user's behavior and feeling after concluding a deal? The need for strategies to address the social as well as technology issues is criti- cal. Can we expect a new generation of commerce systems that will combine both strate- gies in the same framework? This could pave the way towards the next stage after m-commerce References 1. Elsen, I, Hartung, E, Horn, U, Kampmann, M, and Peters, L. Streaming technology in 3G mobile communication systems. IEEE Computer 34, 9(Sept 2001) 2. Kraft, A,, Pitsch, S, and Vetter, M. Agent-driven online business in virtual communities. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (), Hawaii(2000) 3. Liand, T P, and Huang, J.S. A framework for applying intelligent agents to support elec- 4. Schummer, T. GAMA-Mall: shopping in communities. In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Electronic Commerce(WELCOM 2001), Heidelberg,Germany 5. Song, I Y, and Whang, K Y Database design for rld of The IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Data Enginee 6. Varshney, U, Vetter, R.J., and Kalakota, R Mobile commerce: a new frontier. IEEE Com per10,33(0c2000 COMMUNICATIONS OFTHE ACM December 2003/L.46.No. 12ve 257– Cooperate feature: if a vendor runs out-of-stock for certain goods, he recom- mends to the shopper another vendor who has the goods in stock. • (Vendor, Friend)-Shopper context – Influence to convince feature: the vendor aims at influencing the friend of the shopper regarding the goods and the selling conditions he is offering. The objective of the vendor is to influence the shopper’s friend to provide a posi- tive recommendation to the shopper about the goods of the vendor. This may aid the shopper in making her purchase decision. • (Shopper, Friend)-Vendor context – Help to convince feature: the shopper asks her friend to talk on her behalf to the vendor regarding the goods she would like to purchase with certain con￾ditions. Despite the different technologies used for the development of e- and m-commerce applications, the social context has to be part of these applications. This context is needed and reflects the interactions occurring between consumers, providers, and some￾times third parties. Working on a workstation or using a mobile device is definitely effi￾cient. However, various aspects that are difficult to assess are missing from the transaction, such as personalized handling, trust, and face-to-face interactions. How do you measure a customer’s trust in a provider she has never met? And, how do you ensure that a customer is satisfied with her order? Online questionnaires and forms can be used, but will they be able to accurately reflect the user’s behavior and feeling after concluding a deal? The need for strategies to address the social as well as technology issues is criti￾cal. Can we expect a new generation of commerce systems that will combine both strate￾gies in the same framework? This could pave the way towards the next stage after m-commerce. References 1. Elsen, I., Hartung, F., Horn, U., Kampmann, M., and Peters, L. Streaming technology in 3G mobile communication systems. IEEE Computer 34, 9 (Sept. 2001). 2. Kraft, A., Pitsch, S., and Vetter, M. Agent-driven online business in virtual communities. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS’32), Hawaii (2000). 3. Liand, T. P., and Huang, J. S. A framework for applying intelligent agents to support elec￾tronic trading. Decision Support Systems 28, 4 (June 2000). 4. Schummer, T. GAMA-Mall: shopping in communities. In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Electronic Commerce (WELCOM’2001), Heidelberg, Germany (2001). 5. Song, I. Y., and Whang, K. Y. Database design for real-world e-commerce systems. Bulletin of The IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Data Engineering 23, 1 (Mar. 2000). 6. Varshney, U., Vetter, R. J., and Kalakota, R. Mobile commerce: a new frontier. IEEE Com￾puter 10, 33 (Oct. 2000). COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM December 2003/Vol. 46, No. 12ve 257
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