Experiments Data Sets WebKB: Web pages from the CS departments of 4 universities: Cornell,Texas,Washington,Wisconsin 4160 pages,66249 links 2-class problem:a page is either for [student,professor,course. project,staff,department or for "others". oCora: .4285 machine learning papers with their bibliographic citations Each paper is labeled as one of 7 subareas of machine learning. ●Political Books: 105 books,43 of which are labeled as liberal ones Pairs of books frequently bought together by the same customer are used to represent the relationship between them 2-class problem:liberal or not. 4口,4+4立4至,三只0 Li,Zhang and Yeung (CSE,HKUST) LWP A1 STATS200916/23Experiments Data Sets WebKB: Web pages from the CS departments of 4 universities: Cornell, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin 4160 pages, 66249 links 2-class problem: a page is either for {student, professor, course, project, staff, department} or for “others”. Cora: 4285 machine learning papers with their bibliographic citations Each paper is labeled as one of 7 subareas of machine learning. Political Books: 105 books, 43 of which are labeled as liberal ones Pairs of books frequently bought together by the same customer are used to represent the relationship between them 2-class problem: liberal or not. Li, Zhang and Yeung (CSE, HKUST) LWP AISTATS 2009 16 / 23
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