Intensive Study 6 It's easy to understand the reasons for this prejudice against thinking. One problem is that to most of us, thinking looks suspiciously like doing nothing. A human being in deep thought is an uninspiring sight. He leans back in his chair,_props up his feet, _puffs on his pipe and stares into space. He gives every appearance of wasting time. Besides, he's leaving all the hard work for us! We wish he would get up and do something useful -clean the house, maybe or mow the lawn Our resentment is naturalIntensive Study 6 It’s easy to understand the reasons for this prejudice against thinking. One problem is that to most of us, thinking looks suspiciously like doing nothing. A human being in deep thought is an uninspiring sight. He leans back in his chair, props up his feet, puffs on his pipe and stares into space. He gives every appearance of wasting time. Besides, he’s leaving all the hard work for us! We wish he would get up and do something useful ― clean the house, maybe, or mow the lawn. Our resentment is natural
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