Total quality management 441 instrument. Where necessary, critical tests should be performed by a suitably accredited laboratory, either in-house or external Any product which is found to be outside specification should be segregated to prevent inadvertent use. The product should then be destroyed, re-worked, or re-graded. In exceptional circumstances, customers may be prepared to accept the product, but not if safety is in question. Re-work must be controlled strictly Causes of non-conforming product should be identified and action taken to prevent recurrence Complaint trends should also be monitored and corrective 15.3.7 Handling, storage packaging, delivery This is extremely important for chilled foods. Precautions must be taken to protect product quality throughout production and the chill chain. Hygiene precautions, including vehicles and chill storage, pest control and restrictions on access would be included here. The legislative requirements for 'food handlers and legal constraints on labelling, date coding and food contact materials should be addressed here. The means of temperature control, monitoring and recording are critical. Determination and control of shelf-life through stock rotation must Decisions on the extent of, and method of, traceability must be reached with respect to the risks of recall. A fully documented and workable recall system must be implemented. The system should extend to distribution centres, the trade and in extreme cases, consumers. The recall plan must be tested to ensure 15.3. 8 Records An effective record system is essential. The control of records, including their dentification, safe storage, retrieval and disposal, should be defined. It should be clear when records can be disposed of, and who is responsible. The most important records are those which demonstrate that what has been specified has, in fact, been achieved. These include process control and inspection record However, in order to satisfy the legislative requirement for due diligence, other evidence will be required such as records of internal audits, management review, supplier audits, HACCP records, temperatures in distribution, corrective action, cleaning and training 15.3.9 Quality audits A scheduled system of internal quality audits is essential to ensure that all edures are implemented and working effectively and that instructions are en down and followed. These audits are an effective management tool for itoring the success of the quality system and ensuring that everyone is working to the systeminstrument. Where necessary, critical tests should be performed by a suitably accredited laboratory, either in-house or external. Any product which is found to be outside specification should be segregated to prevent inadvertent use. The product should then be destroyed, re-worked, or re-graded. In exceptional circumstances, customers may be prepared to accept the product, but not if safety is in question. Re-work must be controlled strictly. Causes of non-conforming product should be identified and action taken to prevent recurrence. Complaint trends should also be monitored and corrective action taken as appropriate. 15.3.7 Handling, storage, packaging, delivery This is extremely important for chilled foods. Precautions must be taken to protect product quality throughout production and the chill chain. Hygiene precautions, including vehicles and chill storage, pest control and restrictions on access would be included here. The legislative requirements for ‘food handlers’ and legal constraints on labelling, date coding and food contact materials should be addressed here. The means of temperature control, monitoring and recording are critical. Determination and control of shelf-life through stock rotation must be included. Decisions on the extent of, and method of, traceability must be reached with respect to the risks of recall. A fully documented and workable recall system must be implemented. The system should extend to distribution centres, the trade and in extreme cases, consumers. The recall plan must be tested to ensure its effectiveness. 15.3.8 Records An effective record system is essential. The control of records, including their identification, safe storage, retrieval and disposal, should be defined. It should be clear when records can be disposed of, and who is responsible. The most important records are those which demonstrate that what has been specified has, in fact, been achieved. These include process control and inspection records. However, in order to satisfy the legislative requirement for ‘due diligence’, other evidence will be required such as records of internal audits, management review, supplier audits, HACCP records, temperatures in distribution, corrective action, cleaning and training. 15.3.9 Quality audits A scheduled system of internal quality audits is essential to ensure that all procedures are implemented and working effectively and that instructions are written down and followed. These audits are an effective management tool for monitoring the success of the quality system and ensuring that everyone is working to the system. Total quality management 441
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