September 1999 Hi-Nicalon/SiC Minicomposites with(Pyrocarbon/SiC)n Nanoscale Multilayered Interphases 2473 Application as Interphase in Thermostructural Composites"(in Fr ) Ph D. The- 24S. Jacques, A. Guette, F. Langlais, and X. Bourrat, " Characterization of SiC/C ites by Transmission Electron Microscopy, "J. ISR. Bodet, N. Jia, and R. E. Tressler, "Microstructural Instability and the er.Sc.,32,2969-75(1997 esultant Strength of Si-C-O(Nicalon) and Si-N-C-O(HPZ) Fibres,"J.Eur. Cera. Soc,16,653-64(1996) hioux, and A Oberlin, "Understanding nicalon" Fibre, J. Eur. Ceram Soc., 11, 95-103(1993 2D. B. Marshall, B N. Cox, and A G. Evans, "The Mechanics of Matrix 17D. J. Pysher, K C. Goretta, R S. Hodder Jr, and R. E, Tressler, "Strengths Cracking in Brittle-Matrix Fiber Composites, " Acta Metall, 33 [11] 2013 of Ceramic Fibers at Elevated Temperatures, "J. Am. Ceram. Soc 88(1989) Aveston, G, A. Cooper, and A. Kelly, "Single and Multiple Fracture sG. Hollon, R. Pailler, R. Naslain, F. 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