American,,McGram--Hil1(美国),2001. 3.Lingappa VR and Farey K.Physiological medicine,A clinical approach to basic ,VcGra-Hi1(美国) 9001 .管球反馈对肾小球血流动力学的影响及其机制.生理学进展,1991:22: 216-220 5.陈香美.当前肾脏病的研究热点.中华内科杂志,2002:2 6.姚泰,乔健天.2000生理学.第五版北京,人民卫生出版社 7.Berne RM,Levy MN.1998.Physiology 4rd,CV Mosby Co.St Louis 8.Jackson BA.OTT CE.1999.Renal system,Fence Creek Publishing,LLC.Madison, Conneticut 9.Koeppen BM,Stanton BA.2002.Renal Physiology 3rd,Health Sciece Asia,Elsevier Science 10.Guyton AC,Hall JE.2000.Textbook of Medical Physiology,10th,Philadelphin, Saunders Summary The urinary system is composed of the kidneys,bladder and accessory structures.The kidneys e pro The six functions of the kidneys are volume,regulation of osmolarity,maintenance of ion balance.homeostatic regulation of pH,excretion of wastes and foreign substances,and production of hormone.The most important function of the kidneys is the homeostatic regulation of the water and ion content of the blood. re of the kidneys Each kidney has about 1million nephrons.Each nephron in the kidneys consists of a rena corpuscle and a tubule 1.Each renal corpuscle comprises a capillary tuft,termed a glomerulus,and a Bowman's capsule,into which the tuft protrudes. 2.The tubule extends out from Bowman's capsule and is subdivided into many segments which can be combined for referen e pro ximl tubue,oop of Hene,distal convoluted tubule and collectin duct.Beginning at the level of the collecting ducts.multipl tubules join and empty into the renal pelvis,from which urine flows through the ureters to the bladder. 3.Each glomerulus is supplied by an afferent arteriole and an efferent arteriole leaves the II.Basic Re al processe 1.The three basic renal processes are glomerular filtration,tubular reabsorption,and tubular secretion.In addition.the kidneys synthesize and /or catabolize certain substances.The excretion of a substance is equal to the amount filtered plus the amount secteted minus the amount reabsorbed 2.Urine formation begins with glomerulrfraion-approximately 18L/day-ofssntily protein-free plasma into Bowman's space. (1)Glomerular filtrate contains all plasma substances other than proteins and substances bound to protein. American,McGram-Hill(美国),2001. 3.Lingappa VR and Farey K. Physiological medicine,A clinical approach to basic physiology. McGram-Hill(美国),2001. 血流动力学的影响及其机制. 生理学进展,1991;22: ;2 姚泰,乔健天. 2000 生理学. 第五版 北京,人民卫生出版社 Levy MN. 1998.Physiology 4rd, CV Mosby Co. St Louis Summary ry structures. The kidneys tenance of ion balance, homeostatic regulation of pH, excretion of wastes and regulation of the water and ion content of the blood. dney has about 1 million nephrons. Each nephron in the kidneys consists of a renal rpuscle and a tubule. enal corpuscle comprises a capillary tuft, termed a glomerulus, and a Bowman's the tuft protrudes. , loop of Henle, distal con an efferent arteriole leaves the glom ular capillaries, which supply the tubule. nal processes are glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, and tubular secr nt filtered plus the amount secteted minus the amount reab otein. medical 4. 何小瑞,姚泰. 管球反馈对肾小球 216-220 5. 陈香美. 当前肾脏病的研究热点. 中华内科杂志,2002 6. 7.Berne RM, 8.Jackson BA, OTT CE. 1999.Renal system, Fence Creek Publishing , LLC, Madison, Conneticut 9.Koeppen BM, Stanton BA. 2002. Renal Physiology 3rd, Health Sciece Asia, Elsevier Science 10.Guyton AC, Hall JE. 2000. Textbook of Medical Physiology ,10th, Philadelphin, Saunders The urinary system is composed of the kidneys, bladder and accesso produce urine, a fluid waste product whose composition and volume vary. The six functions of the kidneys are regulation of extracellular fluid volume, regulation of osmolarity, main foreign substances, and production of hormone. The most important function of the kidneys is the homeostatic I. Structure of the kidneys Each ki co 1. Each r capsule, into which 2. The tubule extends out from Bowman's capsule and is subdivided into many segments, which can be combined for reference purposes into the proximal tubule voluted tubule and collecting duct. Beginning at the level of the collecting ducts, multiple tubules join and empty into the renal pelvis, from which urine flows through the ureters to the bladder. 3. Each glomerulus is supplied by an afferent arteriole,and erulus to branch into peritub II. Basic Renal processes 1.The three basic re etion. In addition, the kidneys synthesize and /or catabolize certain substances. The excretion of a substance is equal to the amou sorbed. 2. Urine formation begins with glomerular filtration - approximately 180L/day - of essentially protein-free plasma into Bowman's space. (1) Glomerular filtrate contains all plasma substances other than proteins and substances bound to pr 16
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