得分阅卷教师 三、Calculation:(每题20分,共40分) Consi er two firms facing the demand curve P=50-5Q.where Q=Q+Q: The firms'cost functions are C(Q)=20+10Q1 and Ca(Q)=10+12Q2. Suppose both firms have entered the industry.What is the joint profit-maximizing level of output?How much will each firm produce? would your answer change if the firms have not yet entered the industry? What is each firm's equilibrium output and profit if they behave noncooperatively?Use the Cournot model Draw the firms'reaction curves and show the equilibrium. How much should Firm 1 be willing to pay to purchase Firm 2 if collusion is illegal but the takeover is not? 2.In a market for dry cleaning,the inverse market demand function is given by P=100-Q and the (pr ivate)m rginal cos of p roductionfo by the dr cleaning process creates external damages given by the marginal external cost curve MEC=O. a.Calculate the output and price of dry cleaning if it is produced under competitive conditions abs nt regulation. b. Determ ne t. e socially efficient price and output of dry cleaning. Determine the tax that would result in a competitive market producing the socially efficient output. Calculate the output and price of dry cleaning if it is produced under monopolistic conditions without regulation. Determine the tax that would result in a monopolistic market producing Assuming that no attempt is made to monitor or regulate the pollution, which market structure yields higher social welfare?Discuss.三、Calculation:(每题 20 分,共 40 分) 1. Consider two firms facing the demand curve P = 50 - 5Q, where Q = Q1 + Q2 . The firms’ cost functions are C1 (Q1 ) = 20 + 10Q1 and C2 (Q2 ) = 10 + 12Q2 . a. Suppose both firms have entered the industry. What is the joint profit-maximizing level of output? How much will each firm produce? How would your answer change if the firms have not yet entered the industry? b. What is each firm’s equilibrium output and profit if they behave noncooperatively? Use the Cournot model. Draw the firms’ reaction curves and show the equilibrium. c. How much should Firm 1 be willing to pay to purchase Firm 2 if collusion is illegal but the takeover is not? 2. In a market for dry cleaning, the inverse market demand function is given by  P = 100− Q and the (private) marginal cost of production for the aggregation of all dry cleaning firms is given by  MC =10 + Q . Finally, the pollution generated by the dry cleaning process creates external damages given by the marginal external cost curve  MEC = Q. a. Calculate the output and price of dry cleaning if it is produced under competitive conditions absent regulation. b. Determine the socially efficient price and output of dry cleaning. c. Determine the tax that would result in a competitive market producing the socially efficient output. d. Calculate the output and price of dry cleaning if it is produced under monopolistic conditions without regulation. e. Determine the tax that would result in a monopolistic market producing the socially efficient output. f. Assuming that no attempt is made to monitor or regulate the pollution, which market structure yields higher social welfare? Discuss. 得分 阅卷教师
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