6.5 Prevention of AIDS 受到感染be infected with ■采取有效措施take efficient measures ·预防prevention 缺乏常识ignorant 效药物effective medicine take concrete measures采取具体措施 curb the rapid spread of控制.蔓延 监控系统monitoring system 民间组织NGOs (nongovernmental organizations 调动mobilize 基层grass roots宣传advocacy6.5 Prevention of AIDS ◼ 受到感染 be infected with ◼ 采取有效措施 take efficient measures ◼ 预防 prevention 缺乏常识 ignorant 效药物 effective medicine take concrete measures 采取具体措施 curb the rapid spread of 控制.蔓延 监控系统 monitoring system 民间组织 NGOs (nongovernmental organizations 调动 mobilize 基层 grass roots 宣传 advocacy
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