12 Isoleucine 。 13 Leucine Leu 14 Lysine Lys K Methionine Phenylalanine 17 Proline Pro Serine Ser 10 Threonine Thr Tryptophar 2 Tyrosine 22 Val ine Val Amino Acid Structure Physical Properties of Proteins IpH of Proteins Sequential and Conformational Epitopes Epitopes whose specificity is determined by the sequence of subunits are designated sequential determinants. Sequential determinants can be composed of terminal 0 internal sequences of the antigen.Sequential epitopes are located in the hydrophilic part of the molecule. Conformational determinants depend on the folding of the molecule.Conformational epitopes are normally associated with globular proteins and helical structures. Epi opes can be continuous or noncontinuous.Discontinuous epitopes are epitopes which are separated by amino acid sequence and are brought together by folding. Conformational epitopes are determinants which can be sequential discontinuous but sequential epitopes are always continuous. Immunogenicity Immunogenicity refers to the relative ability of an antigen to stimulate the immune responses.In order for a molecule to be considered an antigen it need only be capable f hind ing to a specific antibody molecule(or Tcellr ptor) Antigens that provoke the immune responses are imnogenic and can be called Immunogens. Characteristic of immunogens 1.Size 10,000 daltons or greater. 2.Foreignness 3.Molecular complexity 4.Concentration.Every antigen has an optimal immunogenic dose range.The amount 12 Isoleucine Ile I 13 Leucine Leu L 14 Lysine Lys K 15 Methionine Met M 16 Phenylalanine Phe F 17 Proline Pro P 18 Serine Ser S 19 Threonine Thr T 20 Tryptophan Trp W 21 Tyrosine Tyr Y 22 Valine Val V _____________________________________________________________________________ Amino Acid Structure Physical Properties of Proteins IpH of Proteins Sequential and Conformational Epitopes Epitopes whose specificity is determined by the sequence of subunits are designated sequential determinants. Sequential determinants can be composed of terminal or internal sequences of the antigen. Sequential epitopes are located in the hydrophilic part of the molecule. Conformational determinants depend on the folding of the molecule. Conformational epitopes are normally associated with globular proteins and helical structures. Epitopes can be continuous or noncontinuous. Discontinuous epitopes are epitopes which are separated by amino acid sequence and are brought together by folding. Conformational epitopes are determinants which can be sequential discontinuous but sequential epitopes are always continuous. Immunogenicity Immunogenicity refers to the relative ability of an antigen to stimulate the immune responses. In order for a molecule to be considered an antigen, it need only be capable of binding to a specific antibody molecule (or T cell receptor). Antigens that provoke the immune responses are immunogenic and can be called immunogens. Characteristic of immunogens 1. Size 10,000 daltons or greater. 2. Foreignness 3. Molecular complexity 4. Concentration. Every antigen has an optimal immunogenic dose range. The amount
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