Physical Chemistry Real gases S Fluid e There is a continuity between the gaseous and the liquid states. In recognition of this continuity, the term fluid is used he to mean either a liquid or a gas A n ordinary liquid can be viewed as a very dense gas Onl when both phases are present in the system is there a clear-cut distinction between liquid and gaseous states For a single-phase liquid system it is customary to define as a e liquid a fluid whose temperature is below t, and whose molar e volume is less than vou.c- a If these two conditions are not met, the liquid is called a gas e So a further distinction between gas and vapor can be made but these two words are used interchangeably in this bookFluid There is a continuity between the gaseous and the liquid states. In recognition of this continuity, the term fluid is used to mean either a liquid or a gas. An ordinary liquid can be viewed as a very dense gas. Only when both phases are present in the system is there a clear-cut distinction between liquid and gaseous states. For a single-phase liquid system it is customary to define as a liquid a fluid whose temperature is below Tc and whose molar volume is less than Vm,c. If these two conditions are not met, the liquid is called a gas. So a further distinction between gas and vapor can be made, but these two words are used interchangeably in this book. Physical Chemistry Real Gases
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