A ch7,2016 Dear Sirs, I am writing to let you know that I wish to leave my job. It is my plan to leave after working for my3- month notice period(离职通知期). At first, I planned to move my family to Florida in September. But I have decided to move sooner. I hope this does not cause you too many problems. I am happy to help to train a replacement( #)during this time I have enjoyed my 6 years with the company (AF). I am also thankful for the time you took to train and develop my skills. I am sure you will understand my need to move on. My wife has been offered an excellent job in Florida. We are so happy and we have agreed to move as a family. With two young children, I do not want us to be apart because of 4 We are planning to start moving into our new house at the start of June I am happy to discuss this later with you in person. I will return to work next M fter my vacation in Texas. If you have any questions, please call my phone or feel free to e-mail me Once again, I would like to thank you for your understanding. I also thank you for the help that you have given me in my job. I hope that our roads cross again in the future. Yours truly Lucas dutton 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 )1. Where is Lucas moving A. To New york B. To Texas C. To Florida D. To California )2. How does Lucas feel about his wife's new job? A. Worried C. Satisfied D. Uninterested )3. Which of the following words can be put into the AA March 7, 2016 Dear Sirs, I am writing to let you know that I wish to leave my job. It is my plan to leave after working for my 3-month notice period (离职通知期). At first, I planned to move my family to Florida in September. But I have decided to move sooner. I hope this does not cause you too many problems. I am happy to help to train a replacement (接替者) during this time. I have enjoyed my 6 years with the company (公司). I am also thankful for the time you took to train and develop my skills. I am sure you will understand my need to move on. My wife has been offered an excellent job in Florida. We are so happy and we have agreed to move as a family. With two young children, I do not want us to be apart because of ▲ . We are planning to start moving into our new house at the start of June. I am happy to discuss this later with you in person. I will return to work next Monday after my vacation in Texas. If you have any questions, please call my phone or feel free to e-mail me. Once again, I would like to thank you for your understanding. I also thank you for the help that you have given me in my job. I hope that our roads cross again in the future. Yours truly, Lucas Dutton 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ( ) 1. Where is Lucas moving? A. To New York. B. To Texas. C. To Florida. D. To California. ( ) 2. How does Lucas feel about his wife's new job? A. Worried. B. Surprised. C. Satisfied. D. Uninterested. ( ) 3. Which of the following words can be put into the ▲ ?
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