教案 讲报章节Lesson Two Discovery of a Father(W) 授课时数2 periods 教学目的: students (DTo understand the text at lexical.sentential.and textual level: (Tdiscuss relevant topics like the purpose of science,the driving force of scientific development and terrorism: 3To use the key words and phrases freely and finish the exercises independently: 教学内容(讲授提纲) 9.intimate:adj. .They are intimate friends She's on intimate terms with important people in the government. tell a friend the intimate details of one's life an intimate knowledge of Greek philosophy 10.1ick: The cat was licking its paws. The cat was licking its paws. He dashed into the house to save the child despite the licking flames. 他不顾四下乱窜的火舌,冲进屋里抢救那个孩子。 Well,that licks everything! 那真是闻所未闻、见所未见的事。 11.loaf:vt.vi. Don't loaf about while there's so much to be done. Don't loaf away your time loafer n.a person who loafs 游手好闲者 Half a loaf is better than none. 聊胜于无。 12.momentary: adj. There was a momentary pause. She paused momentarily and glanced over her shoulder. .Mr.Johnson will be with you momentarily. 教 案 讲授章节 Lesson Two Discovery of a Father (IV) 授课时数 2 periods 教学目的: Enable students ⑴To understand the text at lexical, sentential, and textual level; ⑵To discuss relevant topics like the purpose of science, the driving force of scientific development and terrorism; ⑶To use the key words and phrases freely and finish the exercises independently; 教 学 内 容(讲授提纲) 9. intimate: adj. • They are intimate friends. • She’s on intimate terms with important people in the government. tell a friend the intimate details of one’s life • an intimate knowledge of Greek philosophy 10. lick: v. The cat was licking its paws. The cat was licking its paws. • He dashed into the house to save the child despite the licking flames. 他不顾四下乱窜的火舌,冲进屋里抢救那个孩子。 • Well, that licks everything! 那真是闻所未闻、见所未见的事。 11. loaf: vt. & vi. • Don’t loaf about while there’s so much to be done. • Don’t loaf away your time. loafer n. a person who loafs 游手好闲者 Half a loaf is better than none. 聊胜于无。 12. momentary: adj. • There was a momentary pause. • She paused momentarily and glanced over her shoulder. • Mr. Johnson will be with you momentarily
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