Part I: Parallel Computer System Architectures Microprocessor Families and Representative cPu chips Intel x86 Series: 86.286. 386. 486. Pentium. Pentium pro cisc Motorola Series M 68x0 and 680x0 Digital VAX( VLSI version) gital Alpha Series: 21064, 21164, 21264 MIPS Series R200030,400 RISC R500,0800,000 HP/PA-RISC Series PA 7300 and PA 8000 Micro- Sun sparc Series SPArC, MicrosPARC processors Supersparc and ultrasparc PowerPC series 601,603,604,620,630 DSP Chips Digital Sa-110, Motorola 68EC040 Microcontrollers Intel i960. IBM PowerPC 403GA NHPCC(Hefei)·USTC· CHINA glchen @ustc.ed.cl 1-8NHPCC(Hefei) •USTC •CHINA glchen@ustc.edu.cn Microprocessor Families and Representative CPU Chips Part I : Parallel Computer System Architectures 1 -8 : 86,286,386,486,Pentium,Pentium Pro : M 68x0 and 680x0 : PA 7300 and PA 8000 : SPARC,MicroSPARC, SuperSPARC and UltraSPARC : Digital SA-110,Motorola 68EC040 : Hitachi SuperH,NEC R4300 Gerenal Purpose CISC Micro￾processors Embedded RISC Intel x86 Series Digital : VAX(VLSI version) RISC Digital Alpha Series MIPS Series HP/PA-RISC Series Sun SPARC Series PowerPC Series : 21064,21164,21264 : 601,603,604e,620,630 DSP Chips Microcontrollers Motorola Series Media Processors : Intel i960,IBM PowerPC 403GA : R2000, R3000, R4000 R5000, R8000, R10000
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