1.10 Resources, Links, and the teradata university network Connection TEACHING TIPSIADDITIONAL INFORMATION The purpose of any introductory chapter is to motivate students to be interested in the remainder of the course(and book). The real-life cases, beginning with Magpie Sensing and continuing with the others, will show students that business intelligence is not just an academic subject; it is something real companies use that makes a noticeable difference to their bottom line. So, try to relate the subject matter to these cases. For example, consider the types of actions managers take to counter pressures, especially the list of organizational responses. The opening case about Magpie illustrates several of the options available to health care companies, such as innovation, partnerships with others in the cold chain, and the use of IT to improve data access. The other cases in the chapter offer other examples of managerial actions taken in response to pressure. By referring back to this list when discussing other cases, you demonstrate the unity of the analytics field All this should show students that a new professional who understands how information systems can support decision making, and can help his or her employer obtain those benefits, has a bright career path. Since students in this course are typically within a year of graduation. that will get their attention ANSWERS TO END OF SECTION REVIEW QUESTIONS Section 1.1 Review Questions 1. What are three factors that might be part of a PM for season ticket renewals? The case provides several examples of data that may be used as a part of this analysis. Data factors may include survey responses, pricing models, and customer tweets 2. What are two techniques that football teams can use to do opponent analysis? annotated game film to produce an analysis evaluating whether to buia ach's In the example provided, opponent analytics was evaluated using the c cascaded decision tree model on play prediction, heat maps of passing offenses and time series analytics on explosive plays How can wearables improve player health and safety? What kinds of new nalytics can trainers use? The case provides several examples of how wearables can be used to improve player health. Wearables can help to identify levels and variation in core body Copyright C2018 Pearson Education, Inc.3 Copyright © 2018Pearson Education, Inc. 1.10 Resources, Links, and the Teradata University Network Connection TEACHING TIPS/ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The purpose of any introductory chapter is to motivate students to be interested in the remainder of the course (and book). The real-life cases, beginning with Magpie Sensing and continuing with the others, will show students that business intelligence is not just an academic subject; it is something real companies use that makes a noticeable difference to their bottom line. So, try to relate the subject matter to these cases. For example, consider the types of actions managers take to counter pressures, especially the list of organizational responses. The opening case about Magpie illustrates several of the options available to health care companies, such as innovation, partnerships with others in the cold chain, and the use of IT to improve data access. The other cases in the chapter offer other examples of managerial actions taken in response to pressure. By referring back to this list when discussing other cases, you demonstrate the unity of the analytics field. All this should show students that a new professional who understands how information systems can support decision making, and can help his or her employer obtain those benefits, has a bright career path. Since students in this course are typically within a year of graduation, that will get their attention! ANSWERS TO END OF SECTION REVIEW QUESTIONS Section 1.1 Review Questions 1. What are three factors that might be part of a PM for season ticket renewals? The case provides several examples of data that may be used as a part of this analysis. Data factors may include survey responses, pricing models, and customer tweets. 2. What are two techniques that football teams can use to do opponent analysis? In the example provided, opponent analytics was evaluated using the coach’s annotated game film to produce an analysis evaluating whether to build a cascaded decision tree model on play prediction, heat maps of passing offenses, and time series analytics on explosive plays. 3. How can wearables improve player health and safety? What kinds of new analytics can trainers use? The case provides several examples of how wearables can be used to improve player health. Wearables can help to identify levels and variation in core body
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