现代英语口语表示法500例( Evelyn录入) ★23☆ · Have an axe to grind心怀叵测 Go from bad to worse越来越坏 You may get the loan from him, but he has an axe to grind He wants to My eyesight has gone from bad to worse since I wore the contact lens get half the share of the company Bail someone out把某人从困境中解救出来 Like a babe in the woods茫然不知所措,一无所知 come to ba out. The salesman refused to go unless I buy his If you don't know some western culture, you'll be like a babe in the woods in western countries Climb on the bandwagon赶浪头,看风使挖 Behind someone s back在某人的背后 Those guys are good at climbing on the bandwagon. They used to be The boy learned to smoke behind his father's back my political enemies. But now they come to support me simply because I have been nominated for the Presidency Have one's back to the wal|进退维谷 The run-away rushed into a lane and found it was a dead end · The bane of ones existence讨债鬼 His son is a big trouble-maker. Thy boy was really the bane of his Know. like the back of one' s hand对…了如指掌 existence I've brought up in that area. i know it like the back of my hand ·one' s bark is worse than his bite刀子嘴,豆腐心 · Stab someone in the back背后捅刀子 Professor Wang is a well-known strict teacher. He gives a lot of Look at his way of dancing attendance on the boss. He'll stab you in requirements before he delivers lectures. But soon the students learn the back if he gets a chance that his bark is worse than his bite · Turn one's back on someone不理睬某人 · Scrape the bottom of the barrel讨些剩饭吃 Jim comes from a poor family and he is often short of money for lunch It was too late when I rushed to the department store for a Christmas Nobody in his class turns his back on him. They take lunch from home girl I had to scrape the bottom of the barrel and finally got a shabby for him in turn oll urn one' s back on something放弃某事 Be half the battle等于胜了一半 If you want to make big achievements, you must turn your back on the To show the opponents our capabilities is half the battle attitude of short-term successes and quick profits Keep somebody at bay不让刈方靠近,强制住某人 cupuncture can not cure you, but it can keep the disease at bay现代英语口语表示法 500 例(Evelyn 录入) ☆ 23 ☆ • Have an axe to grind 心怀叵测 You may get the loan from him, but he has an axe to grind. He wants to get half the share of the company. • Like a babe in the woods 茫然不知所措,一无所知 If you don’t know some western culture, you’ll be like a babe in the woods in western countries. • Behind someone’s back 在某人的背后 The boy learned to smoke behind his father’s back. • Have one’s back to the wall 进退维谷 The run-away rushed into a lane and found it was a dead end. • Know…like the back of one’s hand 对……了如指掌 I’ve brought up in that area. I know it like the back of my hand. • Stab someone in the back 背后捅刀子 Look at his way of dancing attendance on the boss. He’ll stab you in the back if he gets a chance. • Turn one’s back on someone 不理睬某人 Jim comes from a poor family and he is often short of money for lunch. Nobody in his class turns his back on him. They take lunch from home for him in turn. • Turn one’s back on something 放弃某事 If you want to make big achievements, you must turn your back on the attitude of short-term successes and quick profits. • Go from bad to worse 越来越坏 My eyesight has gone from bad to worse since I wore the contact lens. • Bail someone out 把某人从困境中解救出来 Come to ball me out. The salesman refused to go unless I buy his product. • Climb on the bandwagon 赶浪头,看风使舵 Those guys are good at climbing on the bandwagon. They used to be my political enemies. But now they come to support me simply because I have been nominated for the Presidency. • The bane of one’s existence 讨债鬼 His son is a big trouble-maker. Thy boy was really the bane of his existence. • One’s bark is worse than his bite 刀子嘴,豆腐心 Professor Wang is a well-known strict teacher. He gives a lot of requirements before he delivers lectures. But soon the students learn that his bark is worse than his bite. • Scrape the bottom of the barrel 讨些剩饭吃 It was too late when I rushed to the department store for a Christmas girl. I had to scrape the bottom of the barrel and finally got a shabby doll. • Be half the battle 等于胜了一半 To show the opponents our capabilities is half the battle. • Keep somebody at bay 不让对方靠近,强制住某人 Acupuncture can not cure you, but it can keep the disease at bay
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