New words and expressions convert /kan'v3:t/vt. rotor /'rauta(r)/n. to change or make sth.change from one form, a part of a machine that turns around a central point purpose,system,ctc.to another(使)转变;转换: (机器的)转子;转动部件 转化 commutator/'komju:teita(r)/n. ubiquitous/ju:'bikwitas/adj. a device for changing the direction in which seeming to be everywhere or in several places at electricity flows(电流)换向器:整流器 the same time普遍存在的;无所不在的 commutate/'komju:teit/vt. ferromagnetic /,feraumaeg'netik/adj. to regulate or reverse the direction of(an electric having the kind of magnetism which iron has铁磁 current),especially to make it a direct current 的:铁磁体的 (交流电)的方向;将(交流电)整流(尤指变交 flux /flAks/n. 流电为直流电) a flow or an act of flowing通量;流动 load /laud/n. synchronous /'sinkranas/adj. the power output of a generator or power plant happening or existing at the same time同时发生 电量 (或存在)的:同步的:共时的 torque /to:k/n. induction /in'dakfan/n. a twisting force that causes machinery,etc.to rotate the production of electricity in one object by (使机器等旋转的)转矩 another that already has electrical or magnetic cumulatively /'kju:mjolotivli/adv. power电磁感应 in a cumulative manner累积地;新增地 three-phase/Orii'feIz/aj.三相的 differentially /,difa'renfali/adv. stator /'sterto(r)/n. in a differential manner区别地 a mechanical device consisting of the stationary magnetic flux磁通量 part of a motor or generator in or around which the field winding励磁绕组:磁体绕组 rotor revolves(发电机的)定子 stator winding定子绕组 shaft∫a:ft/m a metal bar that joins parts of a machine or an engine together,enabling power and movement to be passed from one part to another(机器的)轴: 传动轴 Unit 2 Electric Machinery and Electrical Equipment 29INewwordsand expressions| com·ert /kan'v3:t/ vt. to change or make sth. change from one form, purpose , system, etc. to another 转变;转换; 转化 ubiquitous /ju:'bikWJtas / adj. seeming to be everywhere or in several places at the same time 普遍存在的;无所不在的 ferromagnetic /,feraum g'net1k/ adj having the kind of magnetism wb.icb iron bas 铁磁 的;铁磁体的 flu /flAks/ n. a flow or an act of flowing ;流动 synchronous /'SIJJkranas/ adj. happening or ex.is at the same time 同时发生 (或存在 的;同 的; 时的 inductio n /rn'd n/ n. the production of electricity in one object by another that already bas electrical or magnetic power 电磁感应 three-phase /'0ri:'fe1zJ adj. 相的 stator /1ste1ta(r)/ n. a mechanical device consisting of the stationary part of a motor or generator in or around which the rotor revolves 发电机的 shaft /Ja:ft/ n. a metal bar that joins parts of a machine or an engine together, enabling power and movement to be passed from one part to another 机器的 轴; 传动轴 rotor /'rnut:;,(r)/ 11. a part of a machine that turns around a central point 机器的 子; 转动部件 commutator /'komju:te (r)/ n. a device for changing the direction in which electricity flows 电流 换向器;整流器 commutate /'komju:tert / vt. to regulate or reverse the direction of (an electric current), especially to make it a direct current 转换 交流电 的方向;将 交流电 整流 尤指变交 流电为直流电 load /I~ud/ n. the power output of a generator or power plant 电量 torque /t::,:k/ n. a twisting force that causes machinery, etc. to rotate 使机器 旋转的 转矩 cumulatively /'kju:mjul:;,t1vli/ adv. in a cumulative manner 累积地;渐增地 differential!) /,d1fa'renJali/ adv. in a differential manner 区别地 magnetic flu, 磁通 field winding 励磁绕组;磁体绕组 stator winding 定子绕组 Unit 2 Electric Machinery and Electrical Equipment 29
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