There are many benefits of chatrooms.The most obvious is the ability to'meet'people from anywhere in the world and to share information.With webcams and faster Internet speeds,chatters can even be seen by each other and even people from the most isolated village can find out what the cool teenager in Madrid is wearing.Moreover,specialist sites enable people to find out information about their hobbies and interests from all over the globe. In spite of these obvious benefits,there are problems,not least of which is wasting time when you could be studying or getting some much needed fresh air.There are also real dangers that the people being chatted to are not actually who they say they are.Because of this,Microsoft closed all unsupervised chatrooms in 2003. Their spokesman,Matt Wittingham said:We have been concerned about chatrooms for a while'.However,these problems have largely been overcome by having strict moderators and teaching children how to avoid danger. All in all,although it is important to take care when using chatrooms,the benefits far outweigh the dangers.In my opinion,it is more dangerous for children to play outside unsupervised and far more of a waste of time to sit mindlessly in front of the television. 写作题评分标准 26-30分 内容切题,完整,条理清楚,文章结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺恰当,句式用词 富有变化,有“闪光点”,基本无语言错误。 21一25分 内容切题,完整,条理清楚,文章结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺恰当,少量语法 错误。 16-20分 内容基本切题,完整,条理基本清楚,文章结构基本严谨,语法基本正确,语言 基本通顺恰当,少量严重错误,一些词使用不当。 11-15分 内容基本切题,完整,条理不够清楚,较明显的母语痕迹,较多语言错误,许多 词使用不当。 6-10分 内容偏题,不完整,思路混乱,语句不完整,只有少数句子可以理解,词汇拼写 严重错误。 Sample 1383There are many benefits of chatrooms. The most obvious is the ability to ‘ meet' people from anywhere in the world and to share information. With webcams and faster Internet speeds, chatters can even be seen by each other and even people from the most isolated village can find out what the cool teenager in Madrid is wearing. Moreover, specialist sites enable people to find out information about their hobbies and interests from all over the globe. In spite of these obvious benefits, there are pro blems, not least of which is wasting time when you could be studying or getting some much needed fresh air. There are also real dangers that the people being chatted to are not actually who they say they are. Because of this, Microsoft cIosed all unsupervised chatrooms in 2003. Their spokesman , Matt Wittingham said: ‘ We have been concerned about chatrooms for a while'. However, these problems have largely been overcome by having strict moderators and teaching children how to avoid danger. All in all , although it is important to take care when using chatrooms, the benefits far outweigh the dangers. In my opinion , it is more dangerous for children to play outside unsupervised and far more of a waste of time to sit mindlessly in front of the television. 写作题评分标准 26-30 内容切题,完整,条理清楚,文章结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺恰当,句式用词 富有变化,有"闪光点",基本无语言错误。 21-25 内容切题,完整,条理清楚,文章结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺恰当,少量语法 错误。 16 20 内容基本切题,完整,条理基本清楚,文章结构基本严谨,语法基本正确,语言 基本通顺恰当,少量严重错误,一些词使用不当。 11 15 内容基本切题,完整,条理不够清楚,较明显的母语痕迹,较多语言错误,许多 词使用不当。 6-10 内容偏题,不完整,思路混乱,语句不完整,只有少数句子可以理解,词汇拼写 严重错误。 Sample 1383
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