西北农林科技大学本科课程考试试题答案 2008一2O09学年第二学期ORGANIC CHEMISTRY课程A卷 专业年级:生技基081,生工基0812命题教师:王俊儒审题教师: 考生姓名: 学号: 考试成绩: NOTE:ALL THE ANSWERS SHOULD BE WRITTEN ON THE ANSWER SHEET (注意:所有答案马在答题纸上) Section I-Nomenclature(4 points each,24 points in all)SCORE Give the best IUPAC name(both in Chinese and English)for each of the compounds BELOW. -cH.cH ..OH OH 2. CH3 CHO CI-H H--Br 4. H OH 5.CH2CH3 Section II Multiple Choice(1 pointeach,20 points in all)SCORE 7.d8.d9.b.10.b.1.abc12.b.13.b.14.d15.d16.d17.b.18.a.19.d20.c.21.a.22.b 23.d24.a.25.b.26.c. 第1页共3列第 1 页 共 3 页 西北农林科技大学本科课程考试试题答案 2008—2009 学年第二学期 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 课程 A 卷 专业年级:生技基 081,生工基 081-2 命题教师:王俊儒 审题教师: 考生姓名: 学 号: 考试成绩: Section I - Nomenclature (4 points each, 24 points in all) SCORE Give the best IUPAC name(both in Chinese and English) for each of the compounds BELOW. 1. H2C CCH2CCH3 CH3 O 2. OH CH3 3. OH Br COOH 4. H OH OH H H H OH OH CH2OH O 5. Cl H CHO H Br CH2CH3 6. CH3 Br Section II Multiple Choice (1 point each, 20 points in all) SCORE 7. d 8. d 9. b. 10. b. 11. abc 12. b.13. b.14. d 15. d 16. d 17. b. 18. a. 19. d 20. e. 21.a.22. b. 23. d 24. a. 25. b. 26. c. NOTE: ALL THE ANSWERS SHOULD BE WRITTEN ON THE ANSWER SHEET (注意:所有答案写在答题纸上)
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