2.3 Bearing capacity of footings on slopes When a footing locates on or adjacent to a slope,the lack of the soil on the slope side of the footing will tend to reduce the stability of the footing. The author developed Table 2.3 to solve the footing on or adjacent to a slope as follows: 1 Develop the exit point E for a footing,the angle of the exit is taken as 45-/2 since the slope line is a principle plane. 2 Compute a reduced Nc(Nc)based on the failure surface. 3 Compute a reduced Na(Na)based on the ratios of areas,when the distance b/B>1.5(or 2),Na=Na 2.3 Bearing capacity of footings on slopes ▪ When a footing locates on or adjacent to a slope, the lack of the soil on the slope side of the footing will tend to reduce the stability of the footing. ▪ The author developed Table 2.3 to solve the footing on or adjacent to a slope as follows: ▪ ① Develop the exit point E for a footing, the angle of the exit is taken as 45°-φ/2 since the slope line is a principle plane. ▪ ② Compute a reduced Nc (Nc ’ ) based on the failure surface. ▪ ③ Compute a reduced Nq (Nq ’ ) based on the ratios of areas, when the distance b/B>1.5(or 2), Nq ’= Nq
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