制卧价贸易+学 金融英语阅读 respectively,which were 88.88 billion yuan and 4.83 percent lower than those at the beginning of the year.The NPL ratio of foreign banks in China registered 4.26 percent at the end of September,which was 1.94 percent lower than the beginning of the year. Translate the Chinese into English: 展望未来,外资银行在中国的发展面临着新的机遇。一是我国加入WTO后 进一步减少直至取消对外资银行在客户、业务和地域方面的限制,使外资银行可 以充分发挥其经营潜力和优势。二是我国金融管制的不断放松将给包括外资银行 在内的所有银行创造新的发展空间。三是我国金融改革的不断深化将为外资银行 与中资银行的合作带来新的机遇。我们鼓励外资银行通过参股中资银行,在业务、 客户和市场方面获得突破:同时,在公司治理、内控、风险管理和经营理念方面 带来现金的经验和做法,是中、外资银行在合作中共同获得发展。 作为银行监管当局,银监会将按照监管与开放并重的原则,加强对在华外资 银行的监管,促进其依法稳健经营,不断提高风险管理水平,不断提高盈利能力, 为我国银行业和经济的健康发展做出新的贡献。 Key Match:IHBAGEDJF K C Cloze:GBDAE Translation: 1.在加强非现场监控方面,银监会在对银行贷款质量的真实性、实际损失、 五级分类准确性等进行专项现场检查的基础上,建立按月和季度跟踪监测制度, 建立考核评价体系,促进银行提高经营水平。同时,银监会要求银行加大清收力 度,加快资产损失的处置进度,鼓励银行采取多种方式处置不良贷款,督促银行 提高新增贷款质量。 今年以来,在经济增长保持强劲势头的背景下,金融机构贷款增速较快。10 月末,各项贷款余额16.73万亿,同比增长23.6%。银监会对金融机构贷款规模 的快速增长保持高度警惕,进一步加大监管力度,继续对金融机构不良贷款余额 和不良贷款率进行“双控”,以实现“双降”。9月末,按五级分类口径,银行业主 要金融机构不良贷款余额比年初下降966亿,不良贷款率为18.74%,比年初下 降4.37个百分点。四家国有商业银行不良贷款余额为9992.27亿元,比年初下降 888.76亿元:不良贷款比率为21.38%,比年初下降4.83个百分点。外资银行整 体的不良贷款比率为4.26%,比年初下降1.94个百分点。 2.Looking into the future,foreign banks are blessed with great opportunities in the Chinese market.First,foreign banks'potentials and advantages will be given a full play as China gradually removes the geographic,customer and business restrictions on foreign banks in an effort to honor its WTO commitments.Second,the increasingly liberalized control on financial industry will create space for growth for all banking institutions in China including foreign banks.Third,the increasingly intensified financial reform in China will present new opportunities for foreign banks in cooperating with domestic banks as partners.The CBRC encourages foreign banks to acquire the equity of Chinese banks,which will benefit both the foreign banks in 第3页共4页金融英语阅读 第 3 页 共 4 页 respectively, which were 88.88 billion yuan and 4.83 percent lower than those at the beginning of the year. The NPL ratio of foreign banks in China registered 4.26 percent at the end of September, which was 1.94 percent lower than the beginning of the year. Translate the Chinese into English: 展望未来,外资银行在中国的发展面临着新的机遇。一是我国加入 WTO 后 进一步减少直至取消对外资银行在客户、业务和地域方面的限制,使外资银行可 以充分发挥其经营潜力和优势。二是我国金融管制的不断放松将给包括外资银行 在内的所有银行创造新的发展空间。三是我国金融改革的不断深化将为外资银行 与中资银行的合作带来新的机遇。我们鼓励外资银行通过参股中资银行,在业务、 客户和市场方面获得突破;同时,在公司治理、内控、风险管理和经营理念方面 带来现金的经验和做法,是中、外资银行在合作中共同获得发展。 作为银行监管当局,银监会将按照监管与开放并重的原则,加强对在华外资 银行的监管,促进其依法稳健经营,不断提高风险管理水平,不断提高盈利能力, 为我国银行业和经济的健康发展做出新的贡献。 Key Match: I H B A G E D J F K C Cloze: G B D A E Translation: 1. 在加强非现场监控方面,银监会在对银行贷款质量的真实性、实际损失、 五级分类准确性等进行专项现场检查的基础上,建立按月和季度跟踪监测制度, 建立考核评价体系,促进银行提高经营水平。同时,银监会要求银行加大清收力 度,加快资产损失的处置进度,鼓励银行采取多种方式处置不良贷款,督促银行 提高新增贷款质量。 今年以来,在经济增长保持强劲势头的背景下,金融机构贷款增速较快。10 月末,各项贷款余额 16.73 万亿,同比增长 23.6%。银监会对金融机构贷款规模 的快速增长保持高度警惕,进一步加大监管力度,继续对金融机构不良贷款余额 和不良贷款率进行“双控”,以实现“双降”。9 月末,按五级分类口径,银行业主 要金融机构不良贷款余额比年初下降 966 亿,不良贷款率为 18.74%,比年初下 降 4.37 个百分点。四家国有商业银行不良贷款余额为 9992.27 亿元,比年初下降 888.76 亿元;不良贷款比率为 21.38%,比年初下降 4.83 个百分点。外资银行整 体的不良贷款比率为 4.26%,比年初下降 1.94 个百分点。 2. Looking into the future, foreign banks are blessed with great opportunities in the Chinese market. First, foreign banks' potentials and advantages will be given a full play as China gradually removes the geographic, customer and business restrictions on foreign banks in an effort to honor its WTO commitments. Second, the increasingly liberalized control on financial industry will create space for growth for all banking institutions in China including foreign banks. Third, the increasingly intensified financial reform in China will present new opportunities for foreign banks in cooperating with domestic banks as partners. The CBRC encourages foreign banks to acquire the equity of Chinese banks, which will benefit both the foreign banks in